How to cope - found out cancer has spread

i had major surgery for bowel cancer exactly a year ago followed by six months of chemo.  I finished in July and had a scan that was clear.  In September I started getting back pain, and to cut a long story short, after another scan, I was told last week that it has spread everywhere, bowel, abdomen, lung, liver, lymphnodes!!!!  Am awaiting appt with oncologists to discuss what next.  I like to think that I’m a fairly strong and positive person, but it’s hard.

  • Hello Gaynor1234

    I`m so sorry to hear taht is has spread.... 

    I had bowel resection as well - then 4 cycles of Xelox chemo and been just signed off from oncology after blood results being clear.... 

    I`m waiting for follow up scans etc and this is my worry that even markers are fine and all looks ok C could spread and now happily growing inside somewhere... 

    I was thinking of how I wouldl cope if it would appear that it has spread... and there is only way is to fight it again and think that you will be the only winning side! I know that you are in this position already and face it now but maybe wait and see what is the plan given by your oncologist  and in the meantime talk to your closest family or friends - go somewhere and charge your batteries as there will be another fight for you which won`t be easy but definately worth every effort!

    And just on the side - which stage was primary tumor classified if you don`t mind me asking?




  • Oh no, so sorry, feel your pain love, my partner has been waiting three weeks for results of tongue biopsy...too long, since then CT scan results came back with several lung and lymph nodules, not coping with delays at all, especially middle of the night when I hear my partner crying.