How to cope after my dad has made it into remission

On the 27th of March my Dad was diagnosed with blood cancer, AML (Acute Myloid Leukemia). I am 16, I have a 19 year old bother and 13 year old sister. All our worlds just collapsed. It was the most expected yet unexpected news. My Dad was very fit an healthy, we believe that he worked himself to hard and stress was a massive factor to just cancer.

My Mum has been so amazing throughout this whole experience, being there for him every single second. Bringing him lunch and dinner every day, doing every single piece of research you could imagine. Due to his chemo wiping his immune system he has been in isolation pretty much the past 6 months with about 2 weeks at home altogether. It has been absolute torture.

About a month ago he was transferred to a different hospital for his bone marrow transplant (stem cell transplant). He was finally discharged from the hospital 5 days ago now, which has been amazing! So as of yet, he’s accepted the transplant. But we don’t actually know for sure if he’s accepted it until it’s been 2 years since the transplant. It is just torturous because we Jsut cant feel fully relieved yet. He’s in remission, but at any day anything could go wrong? It’s still terrifying. I’m not sure if I’m like grieving my experience now or what but I’m finding myself constantly on the edge of tears and it’s so confusing because I feel like I should be happy? I’ve found it so hard expressing to people how I feel because literally no one gets it, especially friends my age. It’s a whole different world and I feel that if u haven’t experienced it u just don’t need get it. 

Has anyone experienced this feeling? What should I do?

thank u x

  • Hello Pratten55 and welcome to the forum. 

    I'm glad to hear that your Dad is finally home again after what has been a really long and difficult few months for you all. 

    After everything that's happened it's natural that you're feeling worried about what might happen in the future. 

    Have you spoken to your Mum and Dad about how you're feeling? I bet that they've both felt the same at times - even if just for a little bit. And I'm going to guess that probably your brother and sister have too. It sounds from your post as if you're really close to your parents so I'd encourage you to have a chat with them. I'm sure it would help. 

    Alternatively is there someone at school that you could speak to for some support? Someone who could maybe arrange for you to speak to a counsellor or pastoral support staff? 

    If you'd like to speak to one of our team of nurses then you'd be welcome to give them a call. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope this helps. 

    Sending best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hi pratton you want to do same thing your father wants to do, one day at a time don't think of the long term, make the most of each day as you get usto it try working out day after, just take your time, remember it might never return but forget about that, I'm uncurable I'm just living with an uninvited guest, i can't evict, so one day at a time is all I've got, it does work and gets easier with time, best wishes.. Billy