How to cope:


My father was diagnosed with tonsil cancer in 2020 and  he seemed to be recovering well with no reoccurance. Apart from worry before each check up it felt like life had returned to normal for the most part.

My father (70) then developed lower back pain in April of this year and after no improvement after a couple of months we had an MRI which we thought would confirm the back issue.

We were told almost two weeks ago now that the MRI showed bone metastases to the spine, rib and pelvis. We are totally shocked at this news especially since we have been told thar the original cancer does not tend to spread like this meaning it is probably something new.

We have been referred to oncology and are waiting for further tests and diagnosis as currently they are unsure of where the cancer is coming from. My dad has no symptoms apart from what we thought was a back issue and now it feel like we are facing an immediate death sentence.

My dad is having a PET scan tomorrow and unlike in 2020 when we had hope of a cure this time things feel very hopeless and traumatising.

Can anyone offer any advice of how to cope?

I feel like there will be nothing that can be done to help my dad and I am dreading the next bad news. I am barely able to function with the stress and worry.

Thank you and I wish you all well.

  • Hi Lulu, I have just been diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer (which means advanced) and at first it did feel like a death sentence but as the weeks progressed they have put together a treatment plan for me, the things that helped were speaking to the Consultant and the Nurse Specialists, and speaking to my family and friends. It really is just putting one foot in front of the other each day, and it is only natural to feel stressed. 

  • Hi Rovay,

    Thank you for your reply. I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis, this is such a scary disease. I remember when this happened the first time things didn't feel as daunting once we had a treatment plan and a team of doctors and nurses.

    I think not having all of the information has led to my mind going down every possible path and scenario and it feels so overwhelming.

    I try to think of what I would tell a friend in this position and I know I would tell them to have hope and that there will be treatments but I think my mind is in overdrive.

    Going to do as you say and reach out for support and focus on supporting my father each day.

    Sending best wishes to you. X