how stupid am I !

Long story short, I had/have a large (11mm x 12mm) "mole" on my leg.  Its been there for longer than I can remember and just by chance mentioned it to GP he fast tracked me to dermatology.  He my initial appointment last Thursday at which time a trainee was invited in with my permission of course and then the Consultant.

He took one look and told me it is cancer, photographs taken and he juggled around appointments to get me in next Tuesday to have the "beast" cut out.  No biopsy just urgency for removal, it will then be measured for depth and outer edges, you all know the procedure.

My question is, has anyone else jumped from appointment to diagnosis and booked remvoal without a biopsy. It's a worrying time as you all know but this all feels like its going too fast.

I have been told I will get the results in 2-3 weeks, wondering if it might be sooner and will it be a call or a letter, Omg the questions just keep going round and round in my head.


  • Hi Hartley,

    I know how worrying this will be and the questions you now have. I have been a melanoma patient for many years so I understand what is happening. When a mole is excised it is removed completely with a safe margin and it is sent off for biopsy. That is also when the size and depth (Breslow depth) is ascertainef. Most consultants prefer to give results in person so you will probably receive an appointment. Results average a 2 to 4 week wait dependant on the hospital. The reason for this is that,should it be positive for melanoma, a Multi Disciplinary Team meeting (MDT) will be held to decide on the next step for treatment. It's good that your consultant has moved swiftly and hopefully the results will be back quickly. 

  • AngieT

    thank you for your reply and sorry for delay been trying to digest everything.

    I was give a follow up appointment at the time the beast was removed it was for 13th November 3 weeks from excision so we had resolved ourselves to a fraught wait but yesterday threw me a completely curved ball. The hospital called me and want me back on Tuesday which means it only took a week to get my results. I told the lady I already have an appointment on 13th but she said they want be back sooner. Oh and don’t cancel that appointment.

    i am now more terrified than every, i feel lost and absolutely winded, never ever did I anticipate an early call back even though I already had been told by my consultant that I would be having a wide excision and that was before he had even cut into me.

    my brain is scrambled, trying to think straight is a struggle I bashed my car yesterday through lack of concentration (no people involved or hurt).


  • Hi Dawn,

    I'm sorry that you are more stressed than ever now. Getting the earlier call back is possibly what you are thinking - that they have found it's positive. But don't overthink it as it may still be an early stage melanoma and they may have cancellations that they can slip you in to for an earlier WLE (Wide local excision). The thing to concentrate on is that it's being dealt with quickly - if you had to wait until the 13th you would be going crazy & it could still have been bad news. Believe me when I say, after 22 years of having this disease I still find it's the waiting between appointments that's the hardest because you are in limbo. Once you are seen you at least know what you are dealing with & can digest it. Not having control of your body is very hard but once you have the facts you can take back control by making the decisions that need making. 

    Tuesday will come around quickly but meanwhile try & distract yourself over the weekend by doing something you enjoy or try some meditation, yoga or mindfulness to calm your thoughts. Good luck on Tuesday and let us know how you get on,

    Angie x