How much does dad have to go through Pancreatic Cancer

Dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage 3, 7 weeks ago. Since then he has been fitted with a stent to help with the bilirubin.  He has had burst blood vessels in his stomach and had them fused.  He then had sepsis.  He know has a blocked stent and on Friday the oncologist said he would book him in as urgent.  So hopefully next week.

Dad in the first instance had hoped to have chemo and op but he was ill as you can see from above one thing after another. The Dr said if we can get his bilirubin down we could try chemo to help with symptoms, palliative care.

Dad has severe pain on a night time and it is slowly slipping into the day time as well.  He takes paracetamol and is slowly moving on to codeine.  Dad does not like taking tablets as he said they make him tired but I think he is tired anyway.

We are scared to ask about prognosis but it has made clear that the cancer is not curable.

Is there anyone out there that has had such bad luck? I am not looking for a medical cure I simply want to know how he can be more comfortable and has any one managed to have a week or two of happy times/holiday

I even would like to know if dad is going to die within the next few months what are we to expect.  His mind is very good and if you were to talk to him on the phone if he did not talk of the cancer you may not think he was ill.

Any response from you would out there would help.  Just to talk the family feels so isolated.


  • Hi Jack, 

    I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad's diagnosis. It sounds as if it has been a really difficult few months for you all. 

    We have some information on our website about Pancreatic cancer which I have linked for you and may help to answer some of your questions. 

    Has your Dad been allocated a specialist nurse? They would be a good person to get in touch with in the first instance for some support and advice on Dad's condition. If not then we do have a team of nurses here that you can call to talk to. They are available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on Freefone 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope that by now you've had some news on the procedure to have Dad's stent unblocked - if it's not already been done. Do let us know how you are all doing if you are able to. 

    Sending our best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator