How Many sleepless nights.....

A few months before I was diagnosed with Invasive Breast Cancer, I was having bad nights sleep and night sweats.

Before that my sleep had been quite good, bearing in mind I suffer with hypnic headaches and a chronic migraine sufferer.

I initially put the night sweats down to possible peri menopausal symptoms as I am 46 - but since surgery the night sweats have ended but the sleep......


I used to nap during the day pre cancer and still get a decent night sleep, but not now. can't even get any sleep during the day and at night I am lucky if I get 4 hours and that is staggered. It seems that this is a definite trend on here where people say about bad sleep. I was recommended by my mental health nurse to try Phenergen at night - take it for two to three nights and then have a break, as this should help me get back into a sleep routine, the nights I don't take it I just dread as I know I am not going to sleep well if at all, some nights when I do take it they are not working brilliantly.

I was just curious I guess as to how many other people do suffer with this bad sleep and how long it has been going on for them.... and what they feel is causing it, fear / anxiety / medication / bad luck..

  • I'm really sorry you're having trouble sleeping at the moment Kay-D but I'm glad you've mentioned it to your nurse. If you've found the Phenergen is not working as well anymore, maybe you could have a chat with your doctor and see if there's something else they can provide which may be more effective.

    I hope you hear back from some of our members soon but in the meantime, I hope this information we have about difficulty sleeping will help.

    Our lovely team of cancer nurses are available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m if you'd like to discuss this with them at any point as well.

    I really hope you're able to rest up and get some good quality sleep soon.

    All the best,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you Steph,

    I have spoken to my doctor and am currently doing a diary to update her in June how any of the changes - extra daylight, better eating etc etc.. has helped or not helped.

    I had not linked cancer and sleeplessness previously but had read an interesting article after I noticed how many people on here had said about sleepless nights.

    I just thought it would be interesting to see if others had found ways of dealing with it.