How ill do you need to be to get support and hospice care

Long story short. My mum has lung metastasis and had been given 12 months to live I  Jan 2018...she has done fantastic but has been rapidly deteriorating since July. She is in bed all day with severe exhaustion and sleeping all the time, on longtec and shortec and gabapentin. She hardly has anything to drink and nothing to eat. It's a fight to get a district nurse to visit, Macmillan nurse was as much help as a chocolate tea pot.....all these charities I have given to for supporting people with cancer and my mum seems to fall between the cracks. Noone really cares, noone wants to help us.  This is no way to treat people. Is anyone else experiencing the same then at least I know am.not alone. 

  • Hi ...

    Hearing this a bit too much lately .. try Marie Currie... they are there for those in your mum's position and their family's... look on their web page ... and give them a ring .. you may have to get district nurse to put your mum down for their help , but don't give up .. you must feel like your banging your head on a wall and getting no where .. keep trying ... fingers crossed ... Chrissie x

  • Hi,

    If your mum has a terminal diagnosis and is at home, her care should be arranged through her GP. Contact them & explain the situation. They can make a referral to your local hospice for one of their nurses to visit your mum and assess her needs. Hospices provide 3 types of care, one is day care where a patient can visit for help with their meds and/or take part in activities, another is for a short stay to get their palliative medication balanced before the patient goes back home and the third is as an inpatient to receive palliative care as they near the end of their life. The third option is only usually available if the patient is assessed as being within about 2 weeks of death. 

    Whilst waiting for your mum's GP to refer your mum, contact the local hospice who I'm sure will be very helpful with any information they provide. If you are your mum's only carer please point this out to her GP as your health is also important. I hope you get the help you both need and are entitled to,


  • Her GP should refer you to DN services and they should be visiting as per mums needs. Is she fast-tracked? I would push her GP for urgent referral. Good luck

  • You are not alone! I came on here today with the same question in my head. My mum was fast tracked out of hospital with a care agency in place but regarding distric nurses and other help its been *** up after *** up. I insisted i had an appointment with mums GP sat there in a mess and insisted i needed help as i had stayed for nearly three weeks and couldn't be overnight carer for long as I have a family and live an hour away. Lo and behold Marie Curie nurses were put in place very quickly for a few nights and the agency covers the others. We also have hospice at home a few hours a week when available. Syringe driver was mentioned early on but no one seems to be coming to assess whether its needed yet?! To me it feels like it is. Mum has oral morphine and injectibles available but no one comes to do injections if needed! I will be ringing district nurse, again, today and whoever I can to get help. We just have to put big girl pants on and fight on behalf of those we care for !! Good luck and keep going your mum appreciates your care xx