How do you cope with the fear?

As I hear very little from him at the moment. I have had a lot of time to reflect on the past months. I don't think I have always reacted correctly as I didn't know what to do when at every new set of bad news he said I told you I'm not going to get away from this and quoting survival rates . I still don't know what one can really say that has any meaning. I tried to say we fight together to which he reacted by pushing me more away and  I have since learned that this is completely the wrong thing to say as only he can. I just didn't want him to feel alone. 

  • Hi Ursulah, 

    It can be very difficult knowing how to support someone in this situation as it can be just as scary if not worse for the people supporting the person with the diagnosis as many of our members here have found out and hopefully some of them will reply soon to offer their support and advice. Maybe just knowing you are there is all he needs at the moment but I'm sure when he is ready he will open up to you more but remember that whenever you are scared or anxious we will always be here to listen and support you.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Ursulah,

    You said in another thread that he is now your ex-boyfriend. Breaking up at such a traumatic time must be next to impossible for you both.

    As hard as this may seem, you've done all that can be expected from you. You have let him know that you are there if or when he wants your help and support.

    He will be struggling with his emotions enough getting his head around the fact that he has cancer and he probably won't be in a place where he wants to re-kindle a relationship with all the stress associated with that. Rightly or worngly, it is his decision - he will let you know if he changes his mind. 

    Best wishes