How do people cope


My 77 year old mum is currently being seen for lung cancer.  She has had PET scan, brochostopy and biopsy and will now be attending on Thursday for a breathing test and to speak to doctors about going forward with treatment.

They have mentioned radical radiotherpy and what I wanted to know is how others cope with 4/6 weeks travaling every day to hospital for treatment.

I dont drive and our closest hospital is 20 miles away.  Mum is very unsteady on her feet so taking public transport is a no go.

I have no brothers or sisters or other family in the area at present we are having to get taxi  which is very expensive. I also work monday to friday.   I feel bad about worrying about such things at a time like this but it is just another added worry for both me and my mum.  I just dont know what to think 

  • Hi Hill

    Just dashed on and noticed your post x 

    So sorry to read about your Mum. 

    I wonder if this link will be of interest? could give them a call, see if they can suggest anything...?..Xx

    As you say...this is an additional worry you can really do without. Not sure if CRUK (this site) can also help you if you call their advice line xxx 

  • Thank you for your reply.  The problem is we are not on any benifits and to be honist its not just the expense but the problem of traveling everyday for a 20 min appointment.  She would need me with her 

    and as I work full time its going to be such a struggle.

    but thank you for your help I will maybe call the chat line for advice 


  • Hi there 

    im sorry to hear about your mum. my dad was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer metastasis to spine just before Xmas , I have a very demanding job but do have a brother for support. In relation to transport for treatment check if she qualifies for ambulance transport . I live in wales so don’t know your location but we have this option. If you have a cancer nurse ring them to ask or contact the hospital who will provide the treatment to see if this is an option? Sorry I can’t be of much more help.... it’s really difficult isn’t it but I’m sure if you reach out you’ll find there’s more practical support out there that you don’t yet know about. In relation to your job have a chat to them and ask if they have a carers policy. You may find your entitled to some paid time off to support her physically and emotionally x

  • Hi. I'm sorry I don't have any concrete advice, that does sound like quite an ordeal. I don't know where you live, but in some places there are volunteer services where a driver will go with the patient and stay with them until the appointment is over. If you look online you might find that your area has something similar, maybe even something where you could pay a reduced amount of money or something. 

    Another option, again - depending on where you live - is if there is a handicapped public transit option? If your mum is unsteady on her feet, then it might make sense to have a wheelchair. Especially if you are having to go to a hospital every day where there might be lot's of walking, plus radiotherapy can make a person feel a bit tired so your mum would appreciate being wheeled about. If the transport could get her into her wheelchair, then drive her to the hospital - they would wheel her right in. They could drop her off at the front desk and then they have orderlys who could bring her to the section she needs to be in. 

    Like I said, sorry I don't have the precise information you need - but there are always options, no matter where you live. It's unrealistic for you to be expected to take your mum every day. 

    My mum did ratiation therapy for breast cancer two years ago. She was also 77 years old. But she only needed to go once a week, so I was able to go with her. She had severe mobility issues, so we had a handicapped public city bus pick us up (that was interesting, riding in that bus! lol). She had a wheel chair for when she left the house as she couldn't walk long distances. So I wheeled her all around the hospital. She found once a week quite tiring, so I really feel for your mum having to go every day. 

    Good luck!

  • Hi there,

    I'm not in the UK anymore so am not as up to speed on what is available.  However, there certainly were a number of charities with various types of help when I did live at home.

    One thing to consider is that you may classify as a carer for your mum, it would be worth speaking to the Princes Royal Trust for Carers about this (they have a fair number of offices so hopefully one near you).  I totally understand about your inability to take so much time off work for your mum's appointments.  I know it seems awful to let your mum go alone but here in Jersey a lot of elderly patients get hospital transport to their appointments, some fantastic porters and then adminsitrative staff look after them while in the hospital and then they get their hospital transport back.  I really do get that this seems like a horrible option, but you cannot leave yourself financially short and end up stressed or worse depressed due to financial troubles.  I can't imagine your mum would want this for you.  It isn't right that you're in this position and you can only do what you can.  Speak to your hospital directly as most do have transport for vulnerable patients.

    Contact every single charity you can think of and, given your mum's age, I would include charities like Age Concern.  You can only ask what help they have available, you don't know if you don't ask.  Some might offer volunteer befrienders to accompany your mum to appointments, others will offer financial help, you are most definitely in a situation where help is warranted and needed so please just ask.


  • Hi, my local hospital have patient transport ran by volunteer drivers where you can give a donation at the end of your treatment, perhaps your mothers hospital has the same, the department she is visiting should be able to tell you if they also have such a service as I am sure this would help you like it helped me for which I was very grateful,please ask them you have nothing to lose,very best wishes x


  • Have you tried “age concern” they were great with my Auntie taking her ,collecting her helping her to get ready .Maybe give her local council a call see if they can help.Good luck xxxx