How do I do this

My dad is coming home today because his cancer has spread so quickly and there is nothing they can do. Prognosis is a few weeks left...... I’m devastated and my mum is not really taking it all in and my brothers can help but they don’t live locally and still have their job and bills to pay.

how do I be the strong one ??? I’m ok for periods of time and then I fall to pieces, I know we will get support from district nurses but they won’t be there 24/7. I do take great comfort that he is dying in his own way or as he puts it I’m not dying of this I’m living with this. He doesn’t want a hospice or hospital he wants to go home to his garden and his dog and his wife. I’m thankful that he gets to do this. 

the doctors and staff at Oswestry have been amazing and have told me the possible ways in which he will die one of them being a bleed out vomiting. Has anyone dealt with this because I know I will have to be calm but it sounds horrendous and also will my dad know and be in pain? The doctors said no and that it’s quick.


anyone give me advice ?? 



Thank you

  • Hello MOnkeyy; sorry to read about your dad.  This seems to have all happened so quickly (I took a look at a previous post).  I think all of us who have been in your situation have wondered how we are going to cope but somehow we do because we have no alternative and of course we want to be there for the family member with cancer.  The district nurses should ensure that your dad has all the medical equipment he needs (for instance he might need a hospital bed) and - in my admittedly limited experience - they are a great source of advice and help.  Of course there will  be times when you feel you are going to break down and you may well feel what is called anticipatory grief.  I am sure you are worried about your mum too but probably once your dad arrives home today she will want to do as much as she can to make him comfortable.  I would also say that your dad is not just a terminally ill patient - he is still the dad who raised you and who loves you - remember to talk about things that interest him and get him anything he enjoys.    I am attaching a link to a page on this website headed "Caring for the carer" which I hope you will find useful.   Whilst writing all this I realise that amongst your worries you are still having to face up to losing your dad.  I don't know if you have looked at the MacMillan website but you may find helpful support there also.    And I hope you will come back here and talk to us if you feel it helps you.  Annie

  • Hi Annie it’s all happened in about three weeks. Thank you so much for your reply it’s nice just to have someone that can chat with you that’s not connected to the family and all your advice and links are useful. I will contact the local Macmillan team today 

    Deb x