How do I cope with my mums terminal diagnosis


i lost my sister 18 months ago to bowel cancer and if my heart wasn't broken then it's now been completely obliterated with the news that my best friend and sole mate I am privileged to call my mother has been diagnosed with terminal breast cancer spread to her spine . My mum brought 4 children up as a single parent and I owe her my life. I am her only living daughter and will be with her every step of the way. I hold my tears in and try to be strong but inside I am beyond destroyed. How do I cope with this? How do I talk to her? Do I cry and tell her I'm scared as much as she is? Do I stay strong? Please help me - xx

  • I would advise not to hold the tears in and not to deny any of your emotions.

    I'm the one with cancer. I have a wife and 6 children, all adults, and my concern is for them. For their emotional well-being. As a parent, if they feel sad/tearful, I want to be able to share their pain and attempt to comfort them. 

    All of them have held me while they cried and told me they didn't want me to die. I held them and explained that everybody dies and what was important to me was them, their lives, their children. That they should continue to live their lives, to do well, according to their definition of well.

    That they help where and when they can is appreciated but it's not a duty. They don't need to demonstrate strength, other than the strength to live.

    I've had my life, death will come when it comes. They are important.




  • Hi so sorry you going through this terrible heartbreaking time. I have my mum diagnosed end June and now terminal and few weeks left the mcmillan nurse has said. I find it I am upset at home and not with my mum. It's so difficult to know what to say and my mum said few things but is accepting her diagnosis and is being so strong and brave . Make sure you get all help you need if your mum at home we have McMillan nurse district nurses and carers started today