How did your metastatic breast cancer first present?

Im 37 and was first diagnosed with tnbc 3 years ago, had a full mastectomy, chemo and radiotherapy. It came back about a year ago but still only in the breast. I had it removed and another bout of chemo. 
I've got pains in my upper abdomen now that feel like a stitch you get from running, I'm awaiting a CT scan but I just wanted to understand how other people recognised their cancer had spread? 

  • Hiya, hopefully someone else responds too.

    My wife has been undergoing treatment for grade 3, stage 3 triple + for around the last 15 months now. During all this she has had a wealth of worrying symptoms on/off. Back pain at times, a horrid cough and even found a really worrying lump not so long ago. The "further" tests for each of these "omg, it's probably spread" symptoms all came back as harmless stuff. The cough was allergies, the back pain was just that, back pain due to muscular strain and her worrying lump was just an oil cyst from the surgery.

    It really is a worry, but most of these things do come back as normal, and it's natural to think the worst. It's the new normal. Things you wouldn't have even batted an eyelid at previous to the diagnosis suddenly become all consuming, worrying issues.

    You're doing the right thing, getting these things checked out as and when they arise. Gives you peace of mind if anything else. The reality is, every symptom you can post will have someone somewhere that had something wrong with them, but many more absolutely fine. Most of the time spread is simply picked up without any symptoms.

  • Thanks so much for your reply, it means a lot. I've been through the same thing but there's always that worry that one day it won't be harmless, I'm sure you both worry too. Thanks again for your reply