Hodgkins Lymphoma?



I have been going to the doctors on and off for nearly 2 years regarding chronic headaches. Recently I was given a headache diary to complete and I took the opportunity to write down all symptoms I've experienced during this time. 


While completing this, although not yet communicated to the doctors, I've been experiencing regular itching of my chest, neck and upper back, fatigue, wheezing and have been feeling generally unwell for some time. I also noticed a small lump in my neck a while ago which hasn't gone away. 


Aside from the headachesz the skin itching is my worst symptom. I first experienced this after a very bad bout of flu in Decmber 2019. It happens nearly every other day if not daily and is usually at night or early in the morning. 


I probably did the wrong thing by googling symptoms but it has made me extremely concerned about possible hodgkins lymphoma.


I have had a general blood test which I was told was normal. 


Just wondering if anyone else experienced headaches with this diagnosis and whether I should be concerned? 


Thank you. 



  • Hello hanaelizabeth16

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been dealing with some health issues for a while now. As you've found out, searching Google for the answer to symptoms can increase anxiety and often this is totally unneccesary. I'd suggest giving Google a wide berth for the moment. 

    Do record the rest of the symptoms that you're noticing and get back in touch with your GP as there could be many other reasons other than cancer. They will be best placed to offer some reassurance and arrange any appropraite tests. 

    I hope you have some answers soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator