Hodgkins lymphoma

Diagnosed last week with hl ,waiting to see haematologist on wednesday and waiting for a scan ,thinking have they got it wrong because i havnt got symptoms they say you get ,my appetite is same as usual and my weight is the same  but by my biopsy i jave swollen lymph nodes in neck and chest ,what symptoms did other people have and did they loss appetite and weight 

  • Hello Rachy.  I have never had Hodgkins Lymphoma But as you have not yet received a response I wanted to say hello and share what information I have been able to find.


    I don't know if you have looked through this website but I have attached information about possible Hodgkins Lymphoma symptoms as this is what you are seeking.  You can also ring the nurses on this website (Freefone 0808 800 4040 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) who will be able to discuss your symptoms with you.

    Hope this helps a bit.  Best wishes.  Annie

  • Hi Rachy i was just curious to know if your swollen lymph nodes in your chest caused you chest pain? I have an enlarged lymph node in my neck that is surrounded by fat and i got told it didnt show any cancer or something in the ultrasound scan but ive had chest pains since December 2017 and nothing eases the pain at all and then 3/4 mknths ago i noticed this lump on my neck after i had a sinus infection that lasted a month. About 2/3 months ago i got a pain in the back of my right lung which is vonstantly there and it hurts, if i lay on my front it feels like something is pushin out in my back and its really painfull! Ive been struggling to breath from the lung and chest pain and dont think im getting enough air to my lungs as its causing me to get really dizzy and my head goes fuzzy. Ive also been so tired and run down and about 3/4 days out of a week i feel so rundown and ill. Ive also had a cough for about 1-2 years and i get hot and cold sweats and out of breath so quickly. Literally just losing the will :( im sorry to hear your news tho i hope everything gets better and brighter for you soon ️Xx

  • Hi, I hav NHL. My symptom at the beginning was an enlarged lymph node in my neck, which after biopsy was in fact lymphoma. I had a ct scan with the dye and I had to drink contrast drink as well, which they said shows up cancer cells. The results of this scan surprised me as the cancer was in my neck, under my arm and my nodes were enlarged on both sides of my lungs. Fortunately I had had a high resolution scan 9 months prior to this one and they compared the size of the nodes with the scan. They are quite enlarged on both sides. I had a few night sweats, lost weight over a while and had no appetite. I found it hard to believe them at first, but the ct scan doesn't lie. They are keeping an eye on the nodes on my chest. After having 1 course of chemo I had another X-ray today and a full examination around my arm and neck. Dr found it hard finding the one in my neck which I guess is a good thing,  you have to rely on the experience of the Hemotologists. Your life in in their hands. I hope this helps you and sending best wishes to you x

  • Hi Rachy, 

    This is the first time that I have been on this blog. I was diagnosed with Stage 2 HL back in 2007 and had 7 months ABVD. I am fit and well and doing ok in remission. 

    To be honest, the only symptoms I had were a little bit sweaty and the swollen neck. 

    Hope all goes well with the treatment. I actually came on here to find someone to donate £124 to. My mother passed away 3 weeks ago and I want to donate the collection either to Cancer Research or someone going through that I went through. Let me know if you would accept it, Il wait a week. If not, il just donate it via the donate page here (Im a bit funny about donating as its not clear what the money gets spent on). 

    I did the Make a Wish when I was have chemo so I consider this the same thing. I promise to do my part by answering questions to the newly diadnosed. 

    Cheers, Ash

  • Hello ashv,

    My sincere condolences to you and your family on your loss. 

    What a lovely tribute to your mother the collection is; I can understand why you wish you donate it to a cause that's so very close to your heart. 

    You mention that you're uncomfortable donating when it's not clear where the money is going so I have a couple of suggestions which are safe, secure and might be of interest:

    The first is our Donate in memory service, which would enable you to set up a tribute page online for your mother, and donate to a specific cancer type - in this case Lymphoma. 

    The second is our Donate page, which allows you to, again, ringfence your gift to a particular type or group of cancers, such as Lymphoma: Donate.

    My final suggestion is the Lymphoma Action charity, which lists a number of ways to donate to their cause, including Tribute funds. 

    I understand that you might have cash to donate and would prefer to pay this in somewhere. In which case, please do feel free to give our friendly supporter services team a call: 0300 123 1022 or drop them an email: supporter.services@cancer.org.uk. They'll be able to answer any questions or concerns you might have about donating. 

    I do hope this is helpful, ashv. Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hi, I am so sorry for your loss. Can I just say what a lovely gesture to donate the £124. I have to agree with Helen and think the Donate in Memory is a beautiful thing to do. I've just had my second chemo today and so far so good. I think we are lucky in the research that has been done so far as I'm sure the treatment years ago would have been much harder for us to tolerate. I have a rare form of NHL which is probably in need of more research, even The Lymphoma Action Charity would also be a good one to donate as moderator Helen suggests. 

    All the best