Himalayan apricot kernels and Manuka honey

anyone had any experience of either of these helping in any way??

  • Hello Peter, 

    Please see the section on our website about Laetrile, which includes information on apricot kernels.

    We would always recommend that anyone thinking about using alternative/complementary therapies discusses this with their consultant in case of any adverse problems. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hi Peter

    My husband used and still does use mannuka honey +25 to help with his throat discomfort during and after VMAT radiotherapy for Ca Tonsils stage 3 with lymph node metastasis. He finds it has properties that reduces the pain and irritation.

    Best wishes 


  • Thanks both

    guess I'm looking for any inspiration to compliment medical treatment just to try and help my wife!

    ill chat to our breast care nurse about the apricot kernels but I guess the honey isn't really going to help with breast cancer 

  • Hi Peter, I just wanted to add some further information about Apricot Kernels which may help.

    Amygdalin is a substance found naturally in some foods like the pips of certain fruits, e.g apricot kernels, raw nuts and pulses like butter beans. Laetrile is a form of amygdalin that’s made in the lab. Both of these can be lethal because they can break down into hydrogen cyanide into the body, killing cells and causing cyanide poisoning. But eating things like marzipan and almonds as part of a normal healthy diet (so within moderation), isn’t dangerous because they only contain small amounts of amygdalin.

    Both amygdalin and laetrile have been studied as potential anti-cancer drugs, both in the lab and in people, but neither have proven effective. The largest clinical trial that’s been carried out included 178 patients – the trial failed to show any benefit of giving cancer patients amygdalin

    Some companies promote laetrile or amygdalin as an alternative or complementary cancer therapy, but this isn’t backed up by any solid evidence. And, worryingly, both these substances can be very dangerous as you can see in the link that Moderator Jenn posted. 

    It’s estimated that eating 50 to 60 apricot kernels (amygdalin) or taking 50 grams of laetrile can cause death.

    Because they have no proven benefits for preventing or treating cancer and can be dangerous, we do not recommend people take laetrile or amygdalin supplements.

    We hope this is helpful and clarifies the information on our website.

    Best wishes

    Moderator Sarah