Hi everyone

Where do I start, got diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma at end of 2015 and had 12months of chemo and radiation, since then I have been in remission for little over 18months now. Like everyone who had cancer worries about it coming back etc, suffer with anxiety a fair bit at moment, but my main question is has anyone had any irrational decision, where they want to sell up there house and do something completely different with their life?

  • Welcome to the forum Smudge123.

    I'm really pleased to read that you've been in remission from Ewing's sarcoma for just over 18 months now although I'm sorry to see you're suffering from a fair bit of anxiety at the moment.

    It's always a scary and unnerving time when you're working to get your life back on track after everything you've been through and as you're finding out, unexpected thoughts and feelings can appear at the any time but you are not alone. Many members on the forum that have been on this journey will know what you're going through at the moment having gone through similar experiences themselves and I'm sure some of them will pop by when they can to offer their support and advice.

    If you feel this anxiety is starting to impact on your day-to-day life it may be worth checking in with your doctor to discuss this and see what options are available to you to deal with this.

    Keep chatting with us here on the forum Smudge as you'll always find someone who understand what you're going through.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator