Hi all

Glad I’ve found this site. Need to express my feelings.

I’m 43 and have 2 glorious kids. I am apart from Their Mum but getting by. I have no brothers or sisters and my parents live close by.

My Mum has just been diagnosed with lung cancer they has already spread to her kidneys.

It’s incurable.

Shes going to the hospital to see what treatment is open to her.

I’m so scared and sad for my Dad and my children. My head is spinning. 

  • Hello bendigo.  So sorry about your mum's illness - it sounds as though they are going to give treatment to slow down the cancer.  It is always a big shock to learn that you are going to lose a parent no matter how old you are - it's not something for which you are prepared.  I would suggest you just take things as they come day by day.  It's a strange new world - my own mum died of liver cancer and although it now qutie a number of years ago I can still remember the feeling of unreality when I had to tell people how ill she was.   Try to behave as normal as possible with  your mum, she is still the same person who has loved you and been loved by you all your life.  I hope you will feel free to come here to let your emotions out as the going will be hard.  Talk with your dad as he will need love and support also. There is no easy way through this but I hope you will be granted more time with your mum.  Annie

  • Thank you for taking time out to reply to me Annie.

    i just feel spaced out and in shock. As the only 1 there was just me and my parents. Invincible little team.

    shes very low and defeatist but we’re helping her, along with her sister.

    i am heartbroken but am so sad for my Dad