

Hi everyone I found a lump about 2months ago,in my neck, I've had 3 lots of blood tests and a CT  scan today and I'm going for biopsy on monday. My question is has anyone else had the feeling of being chocked when trying to swallow? Does anyone know how long it takes for results please x

  • Hi N9S, 

    I notice you've asked another question here that you didn't include in your other post that my fellow mod Ben replied to, so I just wanted to jump in and let you know that results can take some time and can vary depending on whereabouts in the UK you're based so the best thing to do would be to get in touch with your doctor or the team that carried out your tests to find out.

    Hopefully some of our members can give you a rough time frame based on their experiences soon as well.

    All the best and fingers crossed for good results.

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator