Hi all, I'm here today as I have just recently found out that my mum has cancer. It's hard news to take but of course it's going to be, nobody likes the drop of the C bomb. I go to university and my mums diagnosis is on my mind constantly, I've decided to merge the both uni and the news together and my project is now based on laughter being the best medicine.  I was hoping that this platform would be the easiest way to discuss other peoples experience and understand. As a family we use laughter and humour through hard situations, it makes us feel at ease and makes us able to talk about things. I was wondering if any of you at all would like to respond to a questionnaire I created to understand if other people are the same as me and my family. I read through some of the forums and I loved looking at all your experiences through the journey, I know it can't be easy but each day comes and you have to take it for what it is!  

If this is too much for you to do, don't fear at all. I know it can be a hard subject to talk about and I thought that it would be easier to do my project understanding other peoples opinions and whether they also use humour to help go through with  it. 

bethanyshacklock.typeform.com/.../JjrjZ9 - Laughter is the best medicine 

bethanyshacklock.typeform.com/.../B0XzZf - Hospital Talk 


Thank you in advance, it's nice to be in such a community who can discuss the C!