
Just joined this. My head is all over at present husband has lung cancer and secondary bone cancer we are due back to the hospital this week to find out more  i feel like my whole world has collapsed xx

  • Hi and welcome .

    Think that's how most of us find our way here .. we sit in a chair opposite a Dr/ oncologist... and we look at him or her, hoping wer going to be lucky enough to hear good news ... then that dreaded word turns our world and everything in it on its head ... 

    Think everyone I've chatted to felt some form of shock after .. like someone throwing us out of a plane and not knowing if the parashoot will open .. 

    I was were you are now 2 years 3 months ago ... thinking the worse .. all those "what ifs"  there was a lovely angel who answered me .. who'd been on this journey a lot longer then me ... she held my hand , and helped me understand each step .. without her l may have given up .. I had a grade 3 breast cancer..and looking at a total right masectomy for starters ... my son fell to pieces , and he's really tough ..  then my daughter in law sat us down and said no more panicking... no more what ifs... well take everything as and when it comes up .. and we'll do it together ... true to her word, we all did .. l wish everyone was blessed to have someone like her ... 

    Saying that .. after hearing the cancer word, I'd shut myself away for 2 days , crying/ cussing ... once it was all out l was ready to get my pink vertual boxing gloves and get in the ring ready to kick it's ***... cos I realise, cancer wants us to lay down and never get up... give in ... well once you get all your emotions out, I'll send you all some vertual boxing gloves right over ... it's not about winning or loosing this journey,  it's about looking it in the eye and taking it on .. together .. so when your ready , come and join us all in the ring ready to kick it's ***... welcome aboard ... and there was about 7 of us newbies when I joined and you know what, we havnt lost one yet .. 

    Sending you a vertual hug... Chrissie xx

  • Thank you for ypur kind kind words my husband james is 43 and was in hospital with suspected gallnstones but all scans mri etc poinyed to the dreaded c. Friday just gonw came to blow that he has lung cancer and secondary bone cancer we are going to see the oncologiat this week to determine the extent of it. Xx