He’s losing flesh off his bones

I know he's terminal but I noticed when I put my hands on his arms and shoulders that he's lost flesh. His postures changing. I can't say any more. I'm a bit upset tonight. 

  • My heart goes out to you. My husband is at the same stage. His once solid broad shoulders are now becoming bony and his hands look hollow. 

  • Hi kuiper .

    It is possible he doesn't realize how much weight he's lost just he feels ok .

    Years ago I was ill bren was in hospital and I started bring Sick couldn't keep anything down food or drink I kept passing out just tried to carry on as normal trying to eat and drink but everytime I was Sick it kept on four a week granddaughter came to visit told me she's taking me straight to hospital AandE they told me Go straight to Dr they made appointment Dr weighed me I'd lost 4stone in that week so he booked me straight in hospital I was straight on fluid drip and antibiotics .

    Didn't have a clue I'd lost any weight at all hubby could be same just not realize .

    Hope you can get some weight on him he can catch bug's easier .

    Take care of you both .

    Love Billy xxxx

  • Yes your probably right there Billy. However he’s managed a cooked meal our daughter brought us yesterday and a large piece of Bakewell tart. I didn’t do so well. Ridiculous as it was lovely. 

    He did feel sick a bit later but took an antisickness tablet. He seems more settled. 

    [@Kittypuss]‍ Thank you for your empathy. I’ll have a read a bit later when I go to bed so I can catch up on what’s going on with yourselves. 

    Please take care

    Love Kuiper
