helping Dad

Hello, my dad is 80 and awaiting brain biopsy for tumour which not allowing hiim to eat at all and secondary in bladder. I've not had any experience of this and wonder if anyone has? Any ideas on trying to get him to eat? He's so fragile now and loosing weight still at an alarming rate

  • Hi go and speak to your dads doctor my mum is having treatment for lung cancer and just does not want to eat her doctor has given her shakes and has put her on steroid tablets to help her get back her appetite back hope this helps xxxx

  • Hi Sophie, dad is living entirely on the shakes now and still losing weight. 5st since Jan. Dad feels very sick all the time and throws up anything more solid than the milshakes even fruit smoothies. Its the tumour that won't let him eat at the moment but we've not seen surgeon about options yet but not hopeful, he's fading fast and its the not knowing whats happenig which is so frightening

  • Hi Joy, My papa has oesophageal cancer and is in the same predicament with regards not eating. Has your dad been having chemo? They prescribe anti sickness drugs for three days after. My Papa has been advised to take these drugs three times a day permanently to help with the nausea. We tend to go in cycles - no appetite = no energy. Will he eat soup at all? Dad managed some tonight (but I had to strain any lumps out!). The amazing nurses from the hospice are more concerned about keeping fluid intake up more than food. I know this will seem alien as we are preprogrammed to believe in three meals a day but as long as he is managing to drink a little that will be a great start. Totally with you on this. It sucks big time. We spent last night in a&e as he hadn't been able to swallow all day and needed a bag of saline to rehydrate him. Big hugs and I hope he's doing ok x