Helping a chronic depressed cancer partner

Hi all, 

I need help. My partner was diagnosed with thyroid cancer last year and despite having his thyroid removed and radiotherapy he feels worse than ever. 
his depression is so bad he locks himself away from me and my kids (he's a step dad, and a very good one) but has suicidal thoughts and some days can't see anything positive in life. 
we have always had a slightly volatile relationship and it feels like it's always one bad thing after another. To add insult to injury he watched his best friend die of a brain tumour just a few years before we met. 
he's an amazing guy, he tries so hard - his meds mean he is on a constant rollercoaster and one minute can be happy and the next he wants to kill himself. 
mom trying so hard to help him, and feel like I'm failing him every step of the way, no matter what I do something or someone comes out the blue and knocks him sideways and he can't deal with it rationally because of his meds. 
please someone give me some advice, I'll do anything to make him feel better - I just need to know what to do! 

thank you.

  • A warm welcome to Cancer Chat Enwoo although I'm very sorry about the difficulties your husband is having with his mental health at the moment. It sounds like he's been through a lot.

    I hope the information we have about cancer and depression will be useful but if your husband is contending with suicidal thoughts it's important that he speak with someone about this. His GP, cancer doctor or specialist nurse (if he has one) would be the best port of call as his medications could be discussed and changed accordingly if needed, but the Samaritans are also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 116 123. The charity Mind have some very useful advice on where to seek support and treatment as well.

    Even though it may not seem like it at times, I'm sure your partner really appreciates everything you have done and are continuing to do to support him through this tough time.

    Best wishes to you both, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator