Help, losing my hair!

Traumatic today, Day 12 after 1st chemo and my hair is coming out in clumps. 
Just happened so quickly.

One more week until 2nd cycle.

Also shocking letter today from Oncologist sent to my GP sent to me.

I always knew that there was a couple of calcification spots on my chest wall. The letter confirmed 3 superior mediastinal nodes behind the manubrium measuring 5mm and right internal mammary node measuring 6mm the treatment is radiotherapy after my chemo.

Scared and going bald!

How much fun in one day, the best thing that happened was potting up my Dahlias in the Greenhouse, such goood therapy........







  • Hi Silverdays,losing his hair was more traumatic than being told he had cancer!  We struggled on for four days, hair here, there and everywhere, hoovering bed each day, places in the bathroom where I never thought it could reach, trailing it through the house until eventually he went and had a buzz cut, everyone said he looked amazing with a new shorter hair but it grew back and has kept growing to the extent where it gets cut every three weeks.  So get to that hairdressers and take the bull by the horns, lots of good people out there supplying wigs.  I'm so sorry about the other news, bit medical for me to understand but you know what it means.  Wishing you good luck in your future chemo and radiotherapy, its a long road and a lot of us have travelled it so its a bit bumpy!  Love dahlias, would love a greenhouse.  All my miniature daffs are popping their heads up and my new rose is sprouting in all directions.  Take care Silverdays, lots of us cheering you on.  Love Carol 

  • Hey

    Sorry to here about your hair. I took the plunge and got my head shaved so I didn't have to deal with it falling out.  I also have an involved internal mammory node, which they picked up in a pet ct scan. I've got a scan in a few weeks to see if the chemo and the targeted radiotherapy has done anything to it as they can't remove it through surgery.  I do worry about it but I'm hoping it will have disappeared in the scan.  I asked for it to be targeted specifically with radiotherapy so it may be worth discussing with your oncologist. 
    sending hugs. 

  • Hi Woolly lamb, hope you don't mind me jumping on this post I'm just wondering what happened with your mammory node? I was told that my CT scan was clear but today received a copy of the letter my Oncologist has sent to the breast surgeon and it says the CT scan shows no metastasise but in the MDT there was a query about an internal mammory node and this can be followed up with a repeat scan after my treatment. I've spoken to the breast care nurse who said she will get the DR to ring me as she wasn't in the MDT. 

    Not going to lie having a slight panic day! Wish I'd never of seen the letter now! 

    Hope your ok, happy to see how good you've done! Your an inspiration xx