
I am 17 and I am worried about the problems I have been having. I have a small lump in my anus I noticed months ago and just thought it was hemoroids or something but I recently started to get other problems like sore stomach and needing to go to the toilet more often. However I looked up IBS and it says that IBS does not cause bleeding. And I have bleeding almost every time I poo. The blood is bright red and is now more often than before. However it is never much blood. I also have discharge and itching. So I really don't know what to do as I'm 17 and also too scared to go to the doctor. someone plz help   

  • Hi Cdawg,

    Unfortunately no-one here is able to help with this - it's only by seeing your doctor that you can get some answers. They are well used to dealing with situations like this so try not to be worried about speaking to them - it's best to make an appointment if you're concerned.

    All the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator