
Hi sorry always on here but i just need help.   Mums chemo was stopped after 1st session.   N then we've been told 3 different types of blood cancer.  In fact couple people said doesnt matter what type they are all blood cancers.  But it still matters to us her family.  Anyway mum has now been q it maybe spontaneous remission..whatever that means.  But i look at mum now n seeing her loosing weight, sleeping, getting frailer, not eating the same, short term memory not good, her hair still not grew back any n that was july.  She also has "things"  growing on her skin..hands face n legs.   I just feel no one is listening.  Has anyone got any this because of disease or ageing

  • Hello Scruffiest,

    Don't apologize for being on here - that's what the forum is here for so don't hesitate to come and post whenever you feel you need to offload. Many here will know exactly what you are having to deal with at the moment and how you are feeling.

    I can completely understand your need for answers and that it does matter to you to find out exactly what type of blood cancer your mum has been diagnosed with. I hope you have a bit more clarity soon on this. It must be really difficult to be seeing your mum so frail and I hope a doctor has had a look at those skin growths you have noticed.

    Sorry to hear that you feel you are not being listened to. If you wanted to talk things through with our lovely nurses, they are only a phone call away on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm so don't hesitate to get in touch with them at any time.

    I hope you will also hear from others on the forum who have been in a similar position and that they can offer some comforting words of support and advice.

    Best wishes,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you for your reply....have appointments next week so fingers crossed