Hello, question about my Dad!

Hi everyone,

I'm new to the forum. My Dad (71) has a secondary tumor in his liver (for 1-2 years he had a low grade bladder cancer which appeared to be relatively dealt with with some local chemotherapy). The doctors can't pin down where the liver cancer came from (colonscopy, gastroscopy, CT scans found nothing) but he is nevertheless now strted chemotheraphy a few weeks ago.

On his first dose, he was feeling quite bad for a day or so but then recovered enough (to drive, walk around the house, eat some meals), but a week into his second dose he is really low (and in pain, scared, frustrated). He seems to be having lots of side effects (muscle pains, difficults walking at all and/getting up, and basically eats nothing, all he can face is maybe a small piece of cake - I think this is common?). We try to get through to the hospital to see whether they can adjust the treatment - is this sequence expected? Is it relatively random for each dose or does it sequentially get worse and worse?

I am 200 miles away with a 1-year old so only able to go up every 2-3 weeks and feel relatively helpless..

Any feedback as to what is 'normal' or indeed if there are any steps we can do to make the ordeal slightly improved, please let me know! And also..any tips on how to get him to eat! My mum would appreciate a lot!

Thanks in advance.


  • Hello Ben

    I'm sorry to hear about your Dad's diagnosis and that he's struggling so much at the moment. It's obviously a difficult time for you all and undoubtedly the distance will have made things more so for you. 

    Please do encourage your Dad to speak to the chemo team, his consultant, or specialist nurse about things. They will be best placed to make any appropriate adjustments to his treatment and offer any supporting medication that may be available to help manage the side effects. 

    If you'd like to chat with one of our nurses for some support and information you're most welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm. I know they will be happy to chat to you or your Mum and offer any advice they can. 

    I do hope things settle and improve for your Dad with the next cycle. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator