Hello, new to this site

Hello, I hope it's ok to give a brief of my experience. I'm 56 yrs young. Very very happily married for 30 years and have 4 adult children, 2 still living at home. We are very connected and enjoy beautiful relationships. ( now the teenage phase has passed).

i felt healthy until August 2017 when I was assessed for a bowel blockage. I was told I have stage 4 cancer. In my liver, kidneys. The worst is the large growth around and part in my stomach, bowel and surrounding areas. I have 2 types of cancer which I'm told is rare. It is incurable. The plan was to have chemo but I took ill with sepsis. And returned to hospital for 2 weeks. I came home 4 weeks ago. They couldn't find the source of the sepsis, just like they don't know the primary cancer. So I'm on Immunotherapy chemo tablets in the hope that this will target any sepsis. My nature is to get on with things and push forward but my fears and constant pain is depressing me. I also have MS diagnosed 7 years ago and until now I was only mildly affected. I'm physically weak, have lost over 3 St. Major problem with bowel overflow. Have little to know appetite, even tho there are 2 excellent chefs at home. I sleep and perspire all day, temp never below 38. I feel like I want to shut myself in my loving home away from the world. Even from extended close family and friends whom I have a deep sincere bond with. I'm so scared. I can't take in much information. My heart is breaking knowing that I will leave my precious family, although we have only touched on this. I hate myself for feeling bitter about Christmas although my husband and son have decorated our home so beautifully ( usually my job). Im sorry to sound so negative as I have until now had a great, no, exceptional life of love, emotional security lots of laughter. Close family and true friends. I'm scared the cancer will infect my brain, I'm scared that I will hurt my family and I won't be able to comfort them. I'm best at home because this is where my heart is and my family are on point with my care. But my experience of caring for my dad and aunt now returns to haunt me. I don't know if I've got weeks or months, will I suddenly get organ failure. Will I know. Sorry I've rambled on. It's even hard completing this as I'm doing it vocally and it's taken ages to correct. I was an English Lit teacher can you believe. Thanks for allowing me to get it off my anxious chest.


  • Hello Dasey-Ann.  It is still quite early on a Sunday morning and I am sure people more knowledgeable than myself will be along to chat with you.  I am sorry you are feeling so scared and wonder if you have shared your fears with your family members. I note what you say about your fears and it may be that Macmillan nurses would be of help to you all; they have great experience of helping cancer patients and their families.  You and your loved ones might like to look them up on the internet or ring them on their Freefone number 0808 808 00 00.  I acept that t is hard for you when you just want to shut yourself away from anyone but Dasey-Ann it sounds as though you are currently piling fear upon fear which is awful for you.  I have not suffered cancer myself but have seen loved family and friends go through this and I know how much I wanted to help them (also how good MacMillan could be).  Will keep an eye on your post and am sure others more knowledgeable will share their experience and accumulated wisdom.  My best wishes to you.

  • Hi Dasey Ann 

    Sunday  10.20 sitting reading your post I'm 67 and my grandchildren 14 of them tell me I'm cool 

    I was also diagnosis with 13 cancers in August, primary bowel liver lungs stage 4 rea shock was being treated for urine infections. Which were full of blood didn't know till change G.P

    Started chemo September 3hr sessions every fortnight they lowered dosage by 25% now can tolerate do have chemo brain bit like dyslexia have to doudle check spellings have to ask everything and for someone who is normally very organised it frustrating but good news I'm told once the chemo stops I'll be me again friends and family in it amusing. Last week I developed a blood clot in my left leg it's doudle the size of the right one can't get any jeans or boots on had to by joggers 4 times bigger can only wear slippers cut to fit. Needed to go Currys but not going out like this 

    My partner of 23 years has to give me daily blood thinning injections into my stomach not nice have to do for 6 months

    I'm also terminal we are both strong women and will fight for everyday not for us but for our families and we've got to much sort 

    Please feel free to contact me here I'm not very good but know basics. Hope your have a good day

  • Hi Littlekittt, 

    I just wanted to let you know that I removed your email address from your post to protect your privacy but if you would like to keep in touch with Dasey Ann privately the best way to do that would be to use our private messaging function.

    To find out how to do this just click here.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator