Hello Everyone!

Hello everyone finally reaching out and saying hello! Keep most things to myself. 

My wife 37 has breast cancer mets spread to lungs liver bones & now a spot on the brain. She is rapidly going down hill. We only got married in October & to watch her decline so rapidly since then is hard to watch. We have been together 12 years thankfully we dont have any children. My wife had breast cancer 5 years ago. 2 years ago The cancers spread to the lungs, liver & bones and only in the last month to the brain. We are running out of treatments & my wife has had enough now. I do not want her to suffer anymore. I am not sure how long we have left and i feel so helpless. I just wanted to share our story and say Hi 

  • Hi there, 

    Welcome to the chat. I'm so sorry to hear this, your wife is so young. This is a really good place to talk and get things off your chest. Everyone here is really supportive and you'll find that your experiences will be helpful in supporting others here too. 

    My dad got diagnosed just after Xmas with stage 4 lung cancer, it spread to his liver and lymphs before we even found out he had it. He's sadly only got a short amount of time left and it's heart breaking. We are all just taking one day at a time now and trying to live in the moment. I can't believe how rapidly my dad has declined it's horrible to watch and at some point I'm guessing the enormity of it will hit me but at the moment I'm just busy looking after him. The stories and the people here are inspirational and hopefully someone else will be along soon to say hello. I've had times where I couldn't take much more and people always come back with so much love and support here. My thoughts are with you. Xxxxx