Hello :)


My name is Poppy and I'm 22 years old. My dad was recently diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic melanoma that has spread to his liver and spleen; this has all come around very quickly, within the space of 3 months, and I'm struggling to process it all. 

I live away from home but try and spend as much time with him as I can and helping him and my step mum out to take some of the pressure off. It's just so hard and I feel so guilty for not being able to make him feel better, he's lost 3 stone in 3 months and cannot eat due to the nausea as well as losing interest in most things.

One of the big things that is bothering me is that I am not being told facts about this specific cancer which is causing me to escalate things in my head. I'm trying to avoid googling things but it's so hard not to. 

Please can someone give me a little guidance on how to cope in order to help my dad and family out too? 

Thanks :)

  • Hello Pops22,

    I'm sorry to hear that your Dad has recently been given this diagnosis. It's obviously a very difficult time for you all at the moment. I'm sure that your visits are a boost to both Dad and your Step Mum. 

    It's best to try and avoid Google as you have been doing. There is a lot of inaccurate and out dated information available online. We do have some information on our website about advanced melanoma which may be of help but I'm going to suggest giving our team of nurses a call. They would be better placed to answer any specific questions you may have. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope this helps. 

    Best wishes, 

    Cancer Chat moderator