
so pleased to find you all! I was diagnosed yesterday with stage 2 invasive lobular breast cancer. I have to say I feel positive at the moment as it could have been much worse. I am fortunate to have a wonderful support network of family and friends however I know how it helps to communicate with others who understand. I am ok today. I may need you guys tomorrow or when treatment starts! Let battle commence! 

  • Hi Harvell,

    Sorry to hear your diagnosis but glad you are in good spirits.  We are all here as and when you need us.

    Like you I took it all well and just got on with it, but everyone is different and it depends what we all have going on in our lives too and how it affects those things/people.  Yesterday was the first time I felt remotely "woe is me" and it wasn't even that bad and I'm fine today, I suspect I was just unusually tired really.

    I have a different type of breast cancer to you but some treatments are common to most types, so if you have any questions just ask away.  Between us all on here someone will have an answer!

    I've found this place invaluable, I hope you do too.


  • Thank you Twin Two for your positivity. I hope I can carry on feeling positive! I know the results of the MRI scan will reveal the true picture. I will feel anxious then. It is sinking in now.  X 

  • It's me again. Oh my word, I have just read your past posts. I am truly in awe of your strength and fighting spirit. I hope you are resting and taking care after your last treatment. You are amazing. X

  • Thanks Harvell, you've very kind.

    My mum's been through it twice, and I know so many other people that have had breast cancer, it's just always been part of my life really.

    Also, my gut always told me I would get it young and that it would turn out to be genetic (it is), so it wasn't really a big surprise.



    Hi Harvell,

    Welcome to our forum, although I'm sorry to hear what has brought you here.

    I am so glad to discover that you have a good support network behind you. This is such a help in coping with this awful disease.

    My Mum died of secondary breast cancer 21 years ago and, I have had 2 bouts in the past 8 years. I am utterly amazed by how far surgery, treatment and after-care have come in that time. There is no comparison in the care I have had to what mum experienced. This is all thanks to our friends at Cancer Research and elsewhere, who have made such strides in the interim.

    Have you got a date yet for your MRI results? I hope that your results are favourable.

    Please stay in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • It is astonishing isn't it Jolamine?

    When we look at how good survival rates were back when my mum first had breast cancer (30 years ago) it was good, yet they've come on leaps and bounds even since then.  And, of course, on top of that the 5-year survival rate is out of date the minute it is published as each year brings some improvement meaning the 5-year survival rate 5 years later will be higher.

    It's great.


  • Hi Harvell,

    Me too!  I have recently received the same diagnosis. Like you am facing it full on. Have been managing so far but not sure it’s hit me properly  MRI results Thursday and starting to wobble. GP (ive just Registered at new surgery) has just phoned to offer support. She started talking about the mental side of things and not to keep putting on a brave front ..... and that was it!  Tears started. You know that feeling when you want to just say don’t be nice as I may just crumble. Well the front definitely has a crack in it but NOT going to crumble!

    We got this, right?

    I wish you all the best through this horibble waiting game and the ensuing journey. .Some truly amazing people on here inspiring and supporting each other.  I’ve bitten the bullet now and joined up - it’s ok to ask for help and support - we can’t be brave ALL the time.  

    So like you, I’m ok but bracing myself ....

    Take good care x



  • Hi Neenj

    MRI tomorrow with results a week later. The worse part is having to tell people, especially family and work friends. I am supporting them and know I will have a few wobbles along the way. I so hope your results are as positive as possible. What amazing people are on here! 

    Take care

  • You are so brave jolamine! I will take strength from all the positive posts I have read. Thank you for taking the time to reply. I really appreciate it. 

    Take care


    Hi Harvell,

    I see that you have your MRI tomorrow and hope that it all goes well. There are some really marvellous people on this site, so please come back and share your results.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx