

I would just like to introduce myself and say thank you. My name is Marc and I was recently (4 weeks ago) diagnosed with testicular cancer, after a very scary and whirlwind month including an operation I have been told that I am currently cancer free. I am under surveillance for the next two years. So fingers crossed.

The reason I want to post is to say thank you to the people who posted in this forum, reading your messages and stories gave me hope and comfort at what is and still is a scary time.

I like many people just presumed this was something that wouldn't happen to me and I am grateful to the people who post on here for their inadvertant words of comfort.

Thanks x

  • hello, your outlook seems good I am just at the start, going to hospital on 6th june, to be told whatever, the waiting is awful!

  • The waiting is awful, I thought that this was the worst part of it all. All I will say is that you are now in the best place and are getting it sorted, whatever happens you will be give great care and support. It is scary and your mind does run away with you. I tried to keep myself occupied and try as best to take my mind off it (easier said than done I know) Good luck for the 6th June. You will be given lots of support and things will happen quickly whatever the outcome. Although not probably what you want to hear, whatever the prognosis it is highly curable.