Heart rate - Chemotherapy

Apart from having breast cancer, I'm quite fit and healthy. 41yrs old and just finished 6 cycles of chemo. My resting heart rate used to be between 60-70 and I've realised it is now 80-90 sometimes a bit more. I don't feel it racing or anything, no palpitations, pain or anything but I'm a bit concerned as to why it is so high. I was just wondering if it is likely that the chemo has caused this? And also if this does happen due to chemo, does it usually go back to normal?

Thanks for your help with this.

  • Hi Lauren,

    I am 4 weeks post treatment for cervical cancer and I also noticed that my heart rate was going up during treatment (chemo and radiotherapy,) I wear fit bit and before treatment my resting heart rate was 61 this increased to 85. It is now down to 70 mentioned my heart rate to nurse during treatment and she said it was perfectly normal for it to increase as your heart is having to work harder during treatment. She said it would sort itself out when treatment ended and this appears to be the case.

    Take care x

  • Thank you so much for your reply! You have no idea how much this has helped me :)

    You're a star thank you!

    I hope all is good with you now you're post treatment x

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    That is still within normal limits, so I wouldn't unduly worry. It isn't likely to be directly related to your chemotherapy drugs as such, but can be due to the general activity in the body whilst undergoing cancer drug treatment. Short courses of steroids used to help reduce sickness/nausea, such as dexamethasone, can also sometimes temporarily increase heart rate, as a side effect.

    Any alterations in daily activities, including changes in exercise levels can also easily affect heart rate. As can caffeine intake, or any weight changes.

    Do speak with your GP or hospital team though, if you would like a medical opinion on it.

    But, I hope that this is useful,

    Best wishes,
