Health anxiety

Hi all, I just can’t switch off my brain.


on Thursday was sent to hospital with a headache and tingling in my left leg, was seen and they thought it was a hemaplegic migraine, had bloods taken and they were fine, they wanted me to stay in for a lumbar puncture but I went home and went back the next day.


friday they tried the Lumbar puncture but it failed they couldn’t get any fluid, a senior doctor tried and he also couldn’t get any fluid, they wanted to test for blood in the fluid to rule out a bleed on the brain, the first lumbar puncture they hit a nerve and made me sick and pass out and the s eons was awful, they decided to give me a ct angiogram, the consultant seen me and said it was fine along with the normal ct scan the day before and the bloods, I was sent home


today I got up this morning and noticed I had a rather large pupil, I went back to have it checked but said it was fine


now my question is would you accept there’s noting serious like the bleed on the brain even though they haven’t done the lumbar puncture? 

  • Hello Hough39

    I'm sorry to hear about the recent health concern that you've been dealing with. Understandably it's been a worrying time for you. 

    You mention in your post that although they were unable to complete a lumbar puncture that you had a CT and a CT angiogram both of which came back as clear. That must have been reassuring to hear. 

    It can be difficult to focus on the positive news when dealing with anxiety. The natural cycle of negative thoughts takes can take over and cause worry. It sounds as if this may be what you're experiencing at the moment? That even though you've had the news from the consultant that the scans were clear and there was nothing to worry about that you're still concerned because they were unable to complete the lumbar puncture. 

    I wonder if you may find it helpful to make an appointment to speak to your GP about your concerns. Hopefully they'll be able to offer you some further reassurance - or indeed if more investigations are required will organise those. It may also be a good idea to chat to them about your feelings of anxiety and discuss ways in which you could be supported to deal with those. There's some information on the NHS website here that you may find helpful. 

    I hope this helps. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator