Has anyone had similar symptoms?

I have been having some issues with my tongue since the start of the year. It started of quite painful down the left side of my tongue, I visited the doctor followed by the dentist who said nothing was wrong(apart from gingivitis). I went away and my symptoms started to fade away but were still there. I have since been to the dentist twice and my GP who have no concerns about my tongue as I was worried I may have tongue cancer. What I'm more worried about is I still have these odd sensations down the left side of my tongue, like a dry feeling but on on the side, sometimes a tingly feeling. This is nowhere near as bad as it was when it all first started, I wake up most mornings it isn't there but by the evening it's stronger than the whole day. The doctor basically told me to live with it! What on earth could it be? I'm getting frustrated and I feel like I can't go back to the dentist or doctor as they are just going to think I'm crazy! When I saw my dentist last week she was adamant nothing was wrong and she saw no signs of cancer. I felt good but I think my anxiety is playing up again and I can't shift the bad feeling there's something wrong. Sorry for the long post I just don't know what else to do! X

  • Hello, I just wanted to bump this post up to see if anyone had some insight on my symptoms. 90% have gone now. I just have this odd sensation still at the back of my tongue, I don't think I can see anything but sometimes(not all the time) feels like I have food stuck at the back. Sometimes sore mainly in the evening but I'm not sure if it's becuase I keep moving my tongue along my teeth. I know my dentist and doctors have said not to worry but I can't help but worry! Thanks for reading.

  • Hi!! Have u asked for a swab to be taken? I'm having problems with my tongue at the min, covered in white cotton like feeling like something is stuck or like I need a tongue scraper! 

    it could be something ur eating anything new? Or a little infection. 

    Ive had this for 3 months I did get a Swab taken 2 months ago and it came back with thrush.  I do have other symptoms sore throat and now 1 swollen tonsil! I called my dr yesterday and I've been referred me to ENT and more thrush Med and I'm so scared. Xx 

  • Hello Iona-123 

    Thankyou  for taking the time to read my post and replying to me. I am sorry to hear you are having issues too. But it is good that you have been referred to ENT . Have you got an appointment through yet? 

    my tongue is white and I tried the thrush gel from pharmacy and hasn't really done anything. Since then I have seen the dentist and doctor who are saying nothing is wrong. Does your sore throat come and go or is is constant? I get a sore throat sometimes but not very often on the same side as sore tongue. Also, I have a larger tonsil on the right side, but the dentist said they are both massive. I think it's when I stick my tongue out the other one pops out as if it's hiding so I'm trying not to worry about my tonsils. Look forward to hearing back from you xx

  • I know what you mean the drops didn't help my tongue the last time so I doubt this time will be any different. 
    no appointment yet so hoping to hear back in next couple of days.

    At the start sore throat came and went but now for the past week it's had stayed the dr put it down to acid relfux and prescribed tablets but they haven't helped.

    All I've done is googled and of course Diagnosed myself with the worst.

    I used to be a full time smoker not heavy at all but 1 or 2 a day and would have an odd now and again if out Socialising so I've got myself in a right state thinking the worse. ️

  • I'm hoping it's nothing as my symptoms have faded all but one. Will go back to GP if doesn't clear by end of next week. My sore throat just comes and goes but it's not overly painful. 

    im just like you I google and google until my heart is content... which is never lol. I suffer with health anxiety so reading online just makes things 10x worse!!! 

    I am a smoker and I just can't give up but I know I should it's not good xx

  • I have just had a little google(I know I shouldn't have done) but I am really trying to convince myself it is just oral thrush, I mean a while back the pharmacist saw it who gave me the gel, my dentist or doctor ( the doctor I don't normally see) didn't mention. I only say because my tongue has a burning sensation. This is a symptom of thrush right, aswell as my throat has started to hurt again. Plus it can sometimes cause burning mouth syndrome which I'm sure is what kept coming and going all through the Xmas period. I'm sure I read burning isn't a sign of oral cancer. And surely my symptoms coming and going and some not even coming back, surely cancer doesn't do that??? Trying to have some positivity, and the only way to think that is by writing it here. Sorry for the long post again xx

  • Hi mumma123, 

    just wanted to give you an update so I seen a ENT (had to go private) and he checked me and said everything was fine and nothing to worry about. he put camera  up my nose and throat and looked at the one enlarged tonsil and not concerned at all. 

    The sore throat is going away but this feeling on my tongue is still here. It is like I've a dry rough patch now on one bit and it's all I think about it's so annoying. 
    I think I'm going to make a dentist appointment to get his view on what it could be. It's literally taking over my life. 
    hope u are well xx 

  • Hi Iona-123 

    that's great news! So glad you now have peace of mind that the ent is not worried about anything. 

    That's exactly how my tongue feels, weird fry sore feeling on the top of my tongue at the back on the side if that makes sense. Comes and goes, more so comes. It is very frustrating! 
    I had another phone appointment this morning with the doctor, she is not concerned as I have seen a previous doctor and the dentist who are not concerned either. She thinks it's psychological. As I suffer with health anxiety. She's asked me to try and give up smoking! I know I need to but I really struggle with the idea. She's also booked me an appointment with the mental health nurse next week to discuss what I'm going through. So that's about all for me really lol x

  • It's awful I suffer so badly from health anxiety it's taken over my life. I constantly worry about dying young. 

    Even after being told by an ENT everting is fine and it is all probably allergies or come down of thrush infection. I'm still a nervous incase it was missed, did I explain it right the ongoing questions in my head is endless.

    Ive definitely something not right with my tongue.  I know my body so will go back and back till it's sorted although I'm at peace it's not Tonsil Cancer now. 

    I'm here if you ever need a chat! 

  • Health anxiety sucks! It's doing the same to my life! I'm terrified of getting seriously ill so young especially having 3 young children! 

    I am exactly like that too, doesn't matter how many times someone tells you that you are fine, you think they are lying or they have missed something! That they don't understand your symptoms. It's such a horrible battle. 

    I feel the same about my tongue but what else can I do, I am trying to focus on the fact my dentist told me word for word she has no concerns over oral cancer... but that does not stop me from worrying! It's not been bad today, in fact most of the time it's fine in the day it's in the evening, like now ya got that odd feeling back again, that when my anxiety rises! 

    thankyou. Same goes for you always an ear to listen.