Hard Lump on Lower Leg

Hi, I am a 27 year old female and I discovered a lump on my lower leg roughly above my ankle a few years ago. Recently, it has become more noticeable and I believe it has slightly grown in size. It's a hard lump that doesn't move and is painless.

I have been to see a Doctor who referred me to the hospital to have an X-Ray. Results take approximately 2-3 weeks so it's a case of the waiting game at the moment. 

Unfortunately, I am a huge worrier. The Doctor said that it's unlikely to be anything serious as it has been there years whereas cancer usually takes months to grow. However, when looking online I have read that cancers can take years to grow, in some cases up to 20 years before being diagnosed.

I don't feel unwell in myself. I do however suffer from dizzy spells and tiredness but I'm not sure if that's down to lack of sleep and stress.

I just hope it's nothing serious but my mind goes into overdrive and think of the worst possible outcome. 

  • Welcome to the forum Vicky.

    The waiting game is tough. In fact, the majority of members here on the forum say that waiting for results is the hardest part of the process and hopefully some of them will be along soon to offer their support and advice.

    It's good that you don't feel unwell within yourself and even better that the doctor thinks it's unlikely to be anything serious but it's understandable, and completely natural, to worry and think overwise. Researching online via Dr Google does seem to increase the worst case scenario thoughts so do try to stop using it if you can - easier said than done I know, as do many of our members.

    Some have found staying busy helps to pass the time so do try and keep yourself occupied whilst you wait. Or you can keep chatting to us here on the forum and connecting with others who will really understand what you're going through at the moment.

    We'll have our fingers crossed the results bring good news when you get them.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi, 

    im in a simimilar situation but my symptoms were quick to develop. I started off with one lump on my lower left leg a couple of months ago, I now have 5 lumps they feel hard and immobile to touch, although the doctor is convinced they are lipomas i have my doubts, the lumps have been continually growing and they have just recently started to feel painful to touch, I have severe fatigue some days I can’t keep myself awake, I feel nauseous all the time, my gp keeps sending me for ultra sounds but my legs are full of fluid, so am having another scan hopefully soon. Would appreciate any advice. As I’m a huge worrier too mostly down to the fact that all my grandparents have suffered from cancer, 3 out of 4 died. 

    Thank you. 

  • Hi, I'm sorry about your grandparents. It could be though that you're making yourself ill with anxiety. I don't want to sound disrespectful but sometimes we can convince ourselves something is wrong when it isn't. My grandparents and my mother died of cancer, so I am aware how scary it is. Every time I find something wrong I assume the worst. 

  • This sounds very similar to my current symptoms first lump was found late last year and I now have five hard non mobile lumps causing pain that run down my shin bone. Have you had any results yet? I hope you don’t mind me asking 

  • I would be interested to know what the results were too. 

    I found a lump on my leg yesterday its quite big. Having already had papiliary thyroid cancer any lump is always a worry to me but I try not not let it get the best of me. 

    I'm going to see if there is any change on Monday and if not I will try and get in at my doctors. 



  • Hi,

    Thought id respond to you all, thank you for taking the time to message me back too.

    I had an ultra sound and a CT scan, apparently not lypomas or blood clots, or circulatory related. I saw two different types of radiographer too, i have a refferal to dermatology as they said this is the last resort for them to go down as they are completely puzzled. My appointment is in 3 weeks so will update you all, but my lumps are growing i now have another one, so totalling 6. Im no longer googling or researching as i have decided to not think the worst, when i messaged last i was in a bad place emotionally. I hope your all well, anybody else had any results or breakthroughs. x

  • Hi,

    I have the same symptoms with the shin pain and lumps along the shin, however today I noticed another one on the side of my leg with  which is also hard and immovable. I’ve also had some extreme fatigue and my old healed tattoos (more than 10 years old) are also all raised. I’m curious what your results will be because of the shin pain that most others don’t seem to mention.  

  • hi,

    i still have all lumps each getting bigger by the day, and have new ones. I have been referred to dermatology and I have a biopsy appointment after my holiday, so I’ll keep you posted. Hope your well. X

  • Hi - hope you don’t mind me asking but what was the outcome? My husband has discovered a lump on the top of his shin and I’m petrified

  • Hi I have just discovered a smallish lump on my lower calf . It was found whilst I was moisturizing my legs..I haven’t been feeling well for 2+ weeks with severe indigestion and nausea (I doubt related) I have never had anything like this before and absolutely painless. Unable to move it around. I’m quite worried will try and see GP this week.