Happy New Year?

No not really.  I got diagnosed with Invasive Lobular Breast cancer just before Christmas and had an MRI Christmas Eve so that wasn't great either.  I have been waiting for a surgery date which got delayed  as I had a 2nd area shown by the MRI which had to biopsyed too.  Again positive which makes for more complicated surgery finally confirmed for the end of this week :-(


    Hi Sarise,

    Welcome to our forum, although I'm sorry for the reason that your'e here.

    It is always worrying when you have to have additional tests, but these are only carried out to ensure an accurate diagnosis. Without that, treatment cannot be properly tailored to your needs.

    I am glad to hear that you are now ready for surgery. Are you going to have a lumpectomy or mastectomy?

    I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer and have had both procedures. Both were a lot easier to cope with than I expected, so please try not to worry too much - difficult not to, I know.

    Please update us on how you get on. I shall be thinking of you at the end of the week Remember that there is always somebody here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine,

    A lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy.

    I know the tests were necessary but it seems the surgeon only ever gives me bad news.  Praying though that the post-op results are good so that it is radiotherapy rather then chemotherapy after.

    Thanks Sarise

  • Welcome  Saris, sounds as if you have a tough time. It's the waiting that gets you down and not knowing 

     Remember all the Tests are necessary they help to build a unique picture of you which helps to show how best to treat you. So try and have some faith. Thinking Of You and Best Wishes Eileen 


    Hi Sarise,

    I'm glad to hear that it is still only a lumpectomy that you need.

    I'm hoping and praying that your pathology results are good and you can just stick to the radiotherapy.

    I shall be thinking of you at the end of the week and am sure that all will be fine.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi, 

    In hospital - I've been made radioactive, marked up with pen & wired but still waiting for the surgery.  Seems the surgeon puts the longest case last so it's going to be an evening op.

    Sarise x


    Hi Sarise,

    Did you get your operation today? I shall be thinking of you tonight and, hope that your operation doesnt take too long.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine, 

    The op went to plan even though it was very late.  I wasn't back in my room until almost 11pm & not compis mentis until half past.  What I thought I'd ordered as tea became a midnight snack but was appreciated after so long.

    They took 3 lymph nodes as they'd all gone similarly radioactive.  Now have almost 2 week wait to the post op appointment & results.

    Sarise x


  • Hi Sarise,

    I am delighted to hear that your op went well. I hope that your surgeon gets paid double for a night shift on top of his day shift!

    I bet that you enjoyed your midnight snack by the time you got it. You will find the wait for results stressful, we all do. Try to distract yourself from the wait by keeping yourself busy. Also, do your best to avoid consulting 'Dr Google'. Much of his stuff is out of date or poorly researched and can be scary.

    Don't forget to let us know your results.

    Fingers crossed for a good outcome.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


  • Thanks Jolamine,

    6 days down and 6 to go until my post-op appointment. 

    I've managed to keep the dressings on so far - only the one under my arm is peeling slightly at the edge.  Growing one nice hairy armpit.  Not doing enough to get sweaty - just the physio arm exercises and a walk each day so at least the not being able to use deodorant that side is not causing too much of an issue.

    A little paranoid that my left upper arm is fatter than the right and is aching a bit down the back - really hoping I'm not going to get lymphedema.  Otherwise ok, less pain than I expected - more ache than pain and only on paracetamol (since the wked) and have even cut down on those (I find them hard to swollow anyway).

    Sarise x



    Hi Sarise,

    It sounds as if you are doing well all things considered. You've done well to keep your dressings on so far. Hopefully with another 6 days to go, they will be falling off that hairy armpit, rather than having to be pulled off - ouch!

    I'm glad to hear that you are managing a daily walk along with your exercises. Worry won't make a possible lymphoedema disappear. As someone who has had a bilateral lymphoedema in my arms for 8 years, I can vouch for it being a nuisance but liveable with, even if the worst comes to pass.

    Roll on the next 5 days and here's hoping for a good result.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx