Hand and Foot Syndrome - Capecitabine and something 'not very nice' that happened yesterday

Hi All ...... The Capecitabine chemo drug I am on is causing me H&F syndrome. My feet feel like they are burning and are swelling underneath on the 'padded' areas. I havent meantioned it to my consultant at this point as it is manageable and I do not want him taking me off the drug because of the risk to me of cancer recurrence.  I have ony just completed my first two cycles of eight. Has anyone else had this difficulty? or  have any tips on creams etc which will help keep it at bay?     . Many thanks         Max x

  • Hi Max 56, I just read your post and at the risk of being laughed right out of this forum, I am going to suggest you try something that was offered to me when I had chemo treatments the first time around of my cancer diagnosis. It is called Udderly Smooth and it is exactly what it sounds. It is a cream used for the udders of cows, and I suppose too, for nursing mothers. (They do recommend that the udders be washed with soap and water and rinsed well before milking to prevent any contamination of the milk.) In any case, I did have problems with the palms of my hands and my feet - a side effect of the chemo, and this cream did help. It is used quite frequently here in Canada. You can purchase it here in any drug store just over the counter. This was recommended by the oncology team treating me at the time.

    Just a suggestion for what its' worth. Let me know what you think, and good luck with whatever you do try to deal with it.

    Take care.



    I just read the full directions and it says to keep out of the reach of children, so likely not recommended for nursing mothers since babies would possibly get some of this in their little mouths.

  • Hi Max,

    I'm sorry you are experiencing foot problems with your new chemotherapy drugs, but I read your post with interest as I am due to start chemo next week (8 cycles) with an infusion of Oxaliplatin and tablets of Capecitabine. (This is post surgical chemo for me as my lymph nodes showed stray cells.) (bowel)

    Prior to surgery, I had a course of radiotherapy and Capecitabine to try and reduce the tumour. I was warned about the possible side effects you are sadly experiencing and was given some Diprobase cream emollient (also could be used on my bot for radiotherapy burns) However, The dose of Cap I received was at a lower dose than the one I will be getting next week.

    Not sure if that's any help? I got the cream on prescription in a large pump action container.

    Max, Can I also add, I think the way you reply to posts is amazing. Like so many others on here, you always offer the right words of support, even though you, yourself, are going through so much! You are a star!

    Kind regards, Jo xx

  • Hi Lorraine,

    Just seen your post to Max and I have to say, your cream suggestion sounds much more fun than mine! I'll look out for it too if I should experience the same hand and foot troubles as Max.

    Also, I want to say to you the same as I said to Max, you are another forum member who replies so supportively to people on this site! I follow your threads and responses too.(hope that doesn't sound 'stalker ish' )

    Kind regards, Jo xx

  • HI Jo and Lorraine ......

    Really good to talk to you both, even if it is about my horrible feet (with bunions) and udder-cream haha!   Given me a giggle!    I hate feet, so having this problem is not my ideal and I really dont want a doctor touching them (dont think he would want to either!!!!).  I have actually read about uddercream online, but have never seen it in the shops here - not that I have had any udders to cream so it hasnt been on my 'to look out for' list. I will have a look online for suppliers. I have kinda tried Diprobase type things - Plaizon, aqueous, etc and I do think they are helping but wondered if there was something more effective - I have used scholl cream and think thats aggrevated my feet and I know you shouldnt use anything with a petroleum base. Ive also read that vitamin B6 really helps but think I better check with the oncologist about that one.

    Anyway thanks for your kind words Jo - you too help many others bless you, as does Lorraine. Lets hope that together we do help a few people, cos it certainly is a hard journey to go through - kinda like living a parallel life to the rest of the world and very lonely at times. Just nice to spread a little good  out of our experiences if possible.

    Love to you both - I will look up about udders and goodness knows what I will see - but I'm looking forward to it haha!! Good luck with your treatments and keep well|    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Max,

    Despite all peoples suffering on here, with the aid of help and advice from virtual friends you can still have a laugh!!! Isn't that wonderful.

    Bless you Max, Jo and Lorraine.


  • Hi Annabel ...........  Hope you are keeping well and good to hear from you.  You are right - it is great that we can find a little humour amongst all the angst.  Im very lucky that me and my 'udder half'  both have a wicked sense of humour, if we hadnt, I think we would have gone crazy!   Take great care and I'll let you know how the feet get on! xxxxxxxxxxx

  • Thanks Max, Jo, Annabel and everyone for your kind words. Right now I'm in between treatment runs, so I'm not bad considering what I was. I just tire easily at present, but I expect that will likely be with me for awhile. I notice you gals, (Ithink you're all gals, I don't want ot offend anyone) are really great at offering support to others on here too, and that meant a lot to me when I was under the weather myself. As you likely know, I am fairly new to this forum and I am so glad that I found it because it has gotten me through some really tough times. It is a lonely road and as one of you said, its' a little like walking paralel to the rest of the people.

    It was great to get a chuckle out of you from the Udder Cream. I recall when it was given to me by the oncology nurse, as rotten as I was feeling, I also had to laugh. I think we learn to see the humour whenever we can. We're not dead yet.

    Take care. I look forward to hearing from you Max on your foot problem. Let us know.


  • Max, Lorraine, Annabel,

    Great news! Udderly Smooth is available here in the UK on Amazon!

    Various prices for different products, but they all look reasonably priced if they do their job! The Udderly Smooth website was interesting too, with a specific Oncology section referring to Hand and Foot syndrome. The testimonials looked good too!

    There was a stockist map of the UK and I happened to find one in my old home town of Shrewsbury (in a cycle shop of all places!) so when my family ask what they can get me for Christmas, maybe I'll ask for some udder cream! Wish I could think of some witty 'cow' jokes to add, but you've probably 'herd' them all before!          Sorry!!!!

    Take care lovely ladies,

    Big hugs and smiles, Jo xxx

  • As in Udder perfection Jo???


  • Hi Annabel,

    Ooh you are another witty lady! I do hope if anyone reads this thread, they don't think we're all being too flippant!

    We all know cancer isn't something to be be flippant about, but I have found that humour helps me through.

    Max also said that she and her 'udder half' have a wicked sense of humour too. Sometimes, my approach to my situation has a disarming effect on the people I'm talking to! They don't always know how to take my banter! Until I explain that it's a coping mechanism! Better to laugh than frown . . .  Less facial muscles involved I believe. Don't want any more wrinkles!

    Hope your family are ok and business is doing well. I see you've been cleaning cottages! Remember to take it steady, after all, you're a grandma now! Hehe!

    Hope to chat soon, take care lovely Annabel. Big hugs, Jo xxx