Hair thinning/loss from Hormone Therapy drug Letrozole

I have been on Letrozole for nearly a month and my hair is changing and thinning badly, which I find distressing. The worst thing is that I could be on this drug for 5-10 yrs . Was trying to mentally prepare for the chemotherapy and the side effects and thinking , look on bright side , after the chemotherapy my hair will grow back. 

Has anybody got experience of the side effect of this drug and advice. 

  • Hi Maria,

    I was put on the hormone drug Zoladex for my prostate cancer and had more side effects from this than I ever did from the radiotherapy. Hot flushes being the most common. I used to have a contest with my wife and I was way in front both for the amount and for the severity. I also suffered mood swings where if I heard bad or even good news, I would end up with tears running down my face and I had no control over it which I found very embarassing. I also put on weight which I have not managed to lose even though I finnised treatment about four years ago.

    So I do understand what your going through. Wishing you all the best, Brian.

  • Hi, Marie,  I've been on letrozole for 4 years and my hair did start to thin at the beginning but after something like 6 months it started to grow back in and my hair is back to normal. stick with it as I have found any side effects come and go. Good luck and keep your chin up xx

  • Hi Trish, that sounds very encouraging that your hair loss seemed to settle down.  I have been on Letrozole for 9 months and my hair is noticeably thinning.  This is a very distressing symptom for me and I would welcome hearing from anyone else regarding their experience on this drug. 


    Hi All,

    I was on Tamoxifen for 1 year and then on Letrozole for 6 years after that. My hair did get thinner, but it was pretty thick to start with.  

    I stopped taking Letrozole in July 2017, but have recently found Alpecin Double Effect Caffeine Shampoo. It is early days still, but it does seem to be helping with the hair loss.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Trish and Langley

    I've been on Letrozole for 2 months and my hair is thinning and breaking off which I find worrying.

    I hope it settles down but I'll have a chat with my nurse.

    I may give that shampoo a try.



    Hi Ajayy,

    I hope that it does settle for you. You've nothing to lose in trying the shampoo.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi just done a search on this nd found this thread. I’ve been on letrozole for what will b 2 yrs in September. 

    I have always had fine hair but a lot of it but without question mine is a lot thinner. It kinda looks ok but if I lift it up in sections you can see how thin it is. I worry that it will continue... I’m on letrozole for 10 yrs. it kinda sucks don’t it x

  • Hi Sandra,

    I took Tamoxifen for 1 year and Letrozole for 6 years. My hair got thinner but is still ok.

    It still seems a small price to pay to still be cancer free after 10 years.

    Kind Regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi jolamine :)

    yes tottaly agree better than the alternative but doesn’t stop me not being happy about it:)

    im going with not one of the most common side effects or more would perhaps have posted on this thread? ( oh oh now I’m feeling victimised ;)​​​​​​)

    i am so hoping mine will slow to a standstill cos definitely thining and texture is changing too. I’ve tried different shampoos... looks a bit less flat but more because they seem to be drying it out. 

    I guess need to keep trying different ones till I find what best works but 1 bottle lasts a while and some of them are expensive. 

    Going with the reality is they will not halt the hair loss just help the texture otherwise there would be no bald men walking around;)


    Hi Sandra,

    Have you tried Alpecin shampoo? It's expensive, but I found it helpful for the texture of my hair. It claims to grow the hair quicker, but I have not noticed this.

    Kind Regards,

    Jolamine xx