Hair replacement systems - has anyone used one?

Hi all,


doing chemo for breast cancer and not dealing well with the loss of my hair. I hate my wig and can't bear to wear it and the scarves are too hot. I'm considering a hair replacement system where they attach a prosthetic mesh to your head and feed hair through. It's expensive but you get to wash it / swim / style as normal.


im just worried because I've already had 2 MRI scans and I know for the MRI they normally ask you to remove any type of wig / extensions / metal parts and the one I'm looking at has metal parts. Has anyone tried a system like this and what did you do about your MRI scans? Was it an absolute pain to manage? Thanks :-)

  • Hello Ellen85

    I'm not sure that i've seen any members mention about using a hair replacement system here on the forum. Hopefully if there are any members here who have done so they wil see your post and share their experiences. 
    If the system you're looking at has metal parts then I'd imagine that this could be a problem if you need to have further tests/treatment but have a chat with your specialist nurse who will be best placed to offer you some insight into that part of things. She may also have some suggestions about possible alternatives.

    Alternatively you could consider trying some different types of wigs or scarves that may be lighter/more comfortable. It may be that if you're doing treatment on a unit with other ladies that they are able to share some tips with you. Although with the recent weather we've had I think being too hot is a problem lots of people are struggling with. 

    I hope that you're able to find something that you're comfortable with soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hi, 

    im just wondering if you went for the mesh hair system?

    its something I have been looking into also, I have messaged two different places and no one has come back to me as yet.

    any info is much appreciated.



  • Hey there!


    I didn't in the end. It was two things really - the MRI thing bothered me.. I feel like with cancer you need to be ready to have an MRI at any moment and you don't want to have to struggle to fit in a hairdresser's appointment to have your system removed..


    The second thing was that they are really expensive.. nearly 2200 to 2500. I have some savings but I ultimately decided that because I may need new boobs - I prefer to have something in the bank in case I want to hurry up my reconstruction by going private.. my hair will start growing back soon-ish..


    i had a couple of consultations though - Lucinda Ellery seemed friendly and they don't use metal parts...

  • Thank you for your quick reply.

    my sister starts chemo in a couple of weeks so trying to help her prepare. 
    she's going to try the cold cap but not sure if she will be able to stand it or if it will even work. 
    hope your treatment is going well 



  • Well not all chemo causes hair loss - do you know what type she's having?


    also different people react differently to chemo so she may not lose much.. I cold capped and I still lost my hair but I know that it does work well for some people.