Hair loss

I've had my third FEC-75 and not lost all my hair yet.  Does it keep falling out?  I'd be interested also to hear when people's hair grew back after FEC-75 and whether anyone got any back before the end of chemo

  • All mine was out by my third session. My hair started growing back probably as my next cycle would have started so virtually straight away. It also came back curly and still is when it wasn't before lol so expect your hair to be different. Hope the rest of your treatment goes well x

  • Hello Banksy,

    I hope you will hear from our members' varied experiences of hair loss after cancer treatment.

    I thought I would also share this link with you from our website on coping with hair loss which contains useful information. We also have this information on the subject of hair loss, hair thinning and cancer drugs.

    Best wishes,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator


  • Hi Banksy, I never lost all my hair but it was so patchy in places that I decided to cut it very short, I couldnt bring myself to take the clippers to it lol .Anyways it is growing back in and is very soft and  fluffy, I have a lot more grey now but as soon as it is long enough I will have it coloured and cut and styled.I have coped with it pretty well as I keep remembering what the hairdresser from anchor told me, she said for every hair that falls out a cancer cell dies. I am still on chemo have another 3sessions to go and hopefully my scans will be good. Hopefully we will both have a nice head of hair by summer, I hope you are coping well with the chemo? Sending you best wishes. x

  • Thank you.  Really appreciate your reply.  Hope yours all went well

  • Hi quinn 0913.  Thank you for this.  Mine is a light fluff.  I cut it to stubble when my scalp got sore, 12 days in and most of it came out around days 19-20.  I reckon I've still got about 10% of it, but I got curious, because the rest doesn't seem to be going, or at least barely. That's what got me wondering if it might start to grow back before the end of chemo, so I'm really interested in your reply.  I'm OK about the hair loss,  There was a delay starting chemo (my choice & low risk because mine is adjuvant), so I had time to come to terms with it, and no-one else sees my head.  I've got a good wig for when I need to leave the house and I know it should grow back in time. Mind you, general body image is another issue entirely!  I'm coping OK with the chemo, thanks to a couple of changes in meds - the steroids were the problem and I'm fine with Ondansatron.  I'm quite concerned about my heart though.  I mentioned it to the nurse, who I saw last time.  I hope to see the Oncologist this time and I want to ask her about it again, because my pulse rate is fluctuating wildly at times, regardless of activity (186 max, 46 min!). Generally though, all manageable.  I hope yours is too.  I'll cross my fingers for your scans and hope you're all clear.

  • Hi Banksy, I reckon I had about the same amount of hair left as you, the hair that didnt come out is slightly longer than the rest lol, no one has seen me without a wig or hat not even my family, ugly before and more so now HA HA, it hasnt really bothered me either as I know losing my hair is for the greater good and it will grow. I hope you get things sorted out with your heart, the side effects havnt been too bad just the diarrhea that I dont like, all in all I am coping fine, I must admit when I go for chemo and see some of the others that are going through this I think they are having a harder time than myself, we just have to get on with it. Sending you best wishes for the rest of your treatment and hopefully all will turn out well for you. Susan  X

  • Looks like we're going through this together Susan.  We're experiencing some very similar things, physically & mentally.  Good luck yourself. Gill x