Had my colonoscopy / Gastroscopy.

So I had my Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy yesterday morning. All seemed pretty normal until they found something near the bottom my my bowel. Had biopsies taken on both procedures , listed as Cold biopsy 4 taken - I have no idea what that means!

So the movieprep wasn't as bad as I've read. Tasted really crap but chilled it first and had a bottle of Lucozade to chase each glass full.

Got to hospital around 845am and I was I'm the treatment room by 915am. Decided to go for the sedative and to be honest I can't remember too much. I just closed my eyes after the sedative and think I slept through most of it which was a bonus.

Had a meeting with the nurse when my wife arrived to pick me up. She said all seemed normal but they have taken biopsies on both tests to see if there is anything else going on. The mystery deepens I suppose, as they need to see where I'm losing blood which is making me anemic.

Does anyone know what cold biopsy 4 taken 1 means??

Lastly, thankyou to the great staff at the NHS for being so thoughtful and understanding.


  • I'm really glad your procedures went well Lee. It must be a relief now they're out the way but it's understandable to be worried about the biopsy results until they come through.

    Unfortunately we can't answer your question about the meaning of the cold biopsy but our team of cancer nurses may be able to help so if you'd like to discuss this with them you can give them a call on 0808 800 4040. Their phone lines are open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and they'll do all they can to help.

    Fingers crossed for good news Lee.

    All the best,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator