Granulosa cell tumor diagnosis

Hi, so I've just been diagnosed with Granulosa Cell Tumor, my consultant admitted to not knowing a great deal about it other than it's being rare & prone to reoccurring. 

Abit of background in Jan 2014 my periods stopped, after months of tests and a referral to the fertility clinic, ( we had been trying a while previous to this) I was diagnosed with Polycystic ovary syndrome. (My only symptom was lack of periods and abnormal hormone levels) 

May 2016 after 3 rounds of clomid I then had ovarian drilling, this was followed by another 3 rounds of clomid and follicle tracking, at this point the found a cyst in my right ovary. I was told thos was normal and it would just be a follicle cyst from taking the clomid, no test were carried out and I was left to it. We decided to take time out for a while as they didn't know where do fo next. 

18 month later I returned to the fertility clinic, again on scanning they found the cyst, no one was concerned and nothing was done with it. I was referred to a diffrent hospital to start IVF, it was at that point alarm bells rang and I had a CT scan and bloods taken. It was decided that it was just a solid cyst, nothing sinister but it was better out than In. 


Fast forward to May this year, i had the cyst removed (ovary left in) the cyst ruptured on removal, was told everything looked ok but would be sent away for testing as standard procedure. I was told to book an app with fertility clinic for 6 weeks time. 

My appointment was changed last minute to a diffrent hospital, I was then told that on further test on the cyst it was infact a tumor, they couldn't determine if it was cancerous and had sent it to Christie's for further testing (this was last week). An Emergency CT scan was done 2 days later and alot of blood work. 

I have been told today that it is GCT and that they are going to take my ovary out and some tissue in my pelvic area. I've not been told if it spread etc but they are trying to preserve my fertility. He seemed hopeful that I would still be able to concieve and carry. I am of the understanding that they will want to do a full hysterectomy at some point in the future though. 


Has anyone else been diagnosed with GCT and managed to conceive? 


Thanks for reading, I realise I've done alot of rambling



  • Hi Amyjane323,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat - although I'm sorry to read about what's brought you here and what you've gone through recently. It sounds like a tough time and I'm sure it has been hard.

    The fact your consultant is hopeful is good news. While I can't offer any specific support with regards to your question, the only thing I can perhaps suggest is to try to keep options open - i.e. hoping for the best and staying positive, but being mindful of alternatives too. Hopefully this approach will help to keep next steps manageable.

    Meanwhile if others on here have any similar experience then hopefully they'll be along soon. Regardless, do feel free to use this forum as a safe space to write down any worries you have or to talk things through - it's a very welcoming community of people and you'll find support here.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator