Grandad has cancer

Hi, I was close to my grandad when I was little, he has always came to my mums for Christmas dinners and I've seen him once or twice a year, it's just how it has been for years! He had lung cancer for 5 years and time as under control, now it's spread to his gullet! And it's terminal and he's not having treatment because he's 80 and it would make him more uncomfortable for the time he has left. I'm going to see him wednesday and I'm really scared how old and frail he will look and i don't want to burst in to tears when I see him or when i give him a hug goodbye. I obv love him very much even though didn't see much of each other I was his first grandchild and my heart just breaks. I feel how is my nan going to cope losing her life long partner and my mum losing her dad i keep listening to the song he wants at his funeral and I feel great sadness how do i cope???

  • Hello Lynds262

    I noticed that you'd not had a reply to your post and wanted to just drop by to say Hello and ask how the visit to see your Grandad went today. 
    Undoubtedly it's a difficult time for you all at the moment. You're welcome to post here on the forum anytime if it helps to off load or ask questions. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator