Grade 4 brain stem tumour

My so was diagnosed back in October 2014 with a grade 4 brain stem tumour. Had 6 week radiotherapy alongside chemo now just chemo given as well as taking part in the herby trial. I need help for me I am struggling to cope. I watch my 15 year old son deteriorate weekly. 

  • Hi Carly,

    Welcome to this friendly forum and sorry you have not yet recieved a reply for it has been very busy the past few days. I an sorry to read about your sons cancer; he must be very brave to have undergone so much treatment. It must also be incredibly hard for you to see him going trough all this treatment. It is often the case that the needs of people like yourself tend to be overlooked  by the medical proffesion. Plus they often dont have the time or the resources.. For you need emotional support to help you through this most difficult of times. I know from the experinace of so many lovely people on here that talking on here to others who know how we're feeling helps a lot as we dont feel so alone and so isolated.

    Please keep in contact and let us know how both you and your son are getting on. Sending best wishes and kind thoughts your way, Brian.

  • Hi Carly,  just read your post and wanted to send you a big hug. I can only begin to understand how you are feeling.  I was wondering if the teenager cancer trust can point you in the right direction for some help for you.

    Do you have a cancer support group locally or maybe contact with other Mums in a similar situation?

    Five months is a long time to run on overdrive -  your G.P may have services that can support you.

    Do not suffer alone, take care, gardenlady.



    Dear Carly ......  My heart goes out to you and your family.  I wonder if there are McMillan nurses attached to the hospital where your son has treatment?  They are extremely knowledgeable and supportive to cancer sufferers and their families and can probably tell you about support groups in your area.  It may also be worth giving the nurses on this site a call - their number is on this page (freephone).

    It is so hard to know what to say to ease your pain - and all I can say is there are many people here who understand the devastation that a cancer diagnosis brings, so please post whenever you feel overwhelmed. Sometimes it just helps to write your feelings down - I have done it many times.  Thinking of you and your brave son x