Good luck to those having treatment

Evening everyone,

My brain this week has been very fuzzy, I’ve slept lots and am feeling more positive again, bruises are starting to fade and the pain has eased completely now. Keen to find out on Tuesday what was found during the op. This whole cancer journey is constantly waiting for things isn’t it

For those of you having treatment this week, hope all goes well and you are feeling ok about it. 


  • Hi Ploppy

    Glad to hear that you're recovering from your op and that you're feeling more positive in yourself. 

    You're so right! There's an awful lot of "waiting" to do. Although often easier said that done, try to keep busy and take each day as it comes. 

    I hope that your appointment on Tuesday goes well. Let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator