Glioblastoma and hanging on by a thread.

We had a life and a plan.   We bought an RV and planned on being the nomads we always dreamed of.  We even did a trial cross country jaunt from Connecticut to Nevada and loved it.   And then Steven was chasing a paper plate the blew of the table this July and when he went to go pick up off the ground he bashed his head on a piece of metal when he stood back up.     No big deal (well, a little bit of a big deal)  he had some bleeding on the brain (he bashed his head good).  And then big deal when they found a plum sized tumor in his head.  

Even bigger deal was brain surgery.  Which went very well.   They removed all the visible tumor and while he had some weakness on his left side he was almost ok and i thought well ok, he'll heal and then we'll be happily ever after.  

And then the biopsy came back on the tumor and they said Glioblastoma....   searched my memory banks for a definition of the word and came back with nothing.   Then they said the cancer that John McCain died from.   And still then I didn't freak.   I thought John McCain was like 70, Steven is only 47, he will be fine, Neurosurgeon said he was the best case scenario.  He hasn't had a seizure and he is strong and he came out of surgery well.   I was like we got this.  

And then he started reading things online and got scared.  And then he pushed the dr's for how long he's got left.  And  they said average is 18 months.   And still I said no, that is for old people, or for people that they couldn't get the brain tumor all the way out or couldn't operate at all, 18 months is for people who are sick with other diseases or came out of surgery paralyzed or otherwise damaged. 18 months is not for Steven.  

I was the optomistic one.   Chemo? Radiation?  we got this.   5 am we take pill 1, 5:30 pill 2, 6 am leave for work (me) drop him off at radiation on the way.  He gets a coffee and if he is up for a little hospital breakfast and takes his 7am pills.  Then he does his radiation and sees from 1-4 drs depending on the day.  We have a medical oncolgist, radiation oncologist, a palliative care dr, a therapist, a social worker, a psychiatrist, and physical therapists.   Then he gets to come home and rest. til i get home sometime between 7 and 9pm.  I make dinner (sneaking in vegetables as much as I can) then we talk a bit, and then bed.  Wash, rinse, and repeat Mon - Fri.

Sounds manageable right? wrong.  I am losing it.   Steven went through bouts of depression like i have never seen and frankly I might be just as depressed or worse if I were him. My heart breaks when he suffers.  And then I say "chin up!" and we are ok, and no one gets any promises about living on this earth longer than each morning when we wake up.    

His steroids gave him myopathy so now he is suffering through serious joint and leg pain that now opens the door for serious medications that have a tendency to turn him into a zombie. 

Then there are the falls - 2 times in last 3 days.   Headaches that scare the bejeezus out of both of us, but I am not allowed to be afraid.  My job is to be "its nothing, you are fine and if for some reason you aren't fine we will fix it."  My job is to be strong and clean up after him and go to the pharmacy 8 times a week because the constipation from the pain pills and the chemo is truly a brutal side effect and now I know what an enema is.  Oh, and try to figure out how we are going to survive financially.   My job is to make the holidays bright and special cause this might be the last, but when i walked into a store this weekend and Christmas music was playing i burst into tears and since then, the thought of christmas makes my eyes fill with tears. 

He is working on a bucket list and don't have the heart to tell him that we can't afford any of these things.   Did i mention the brake light came on today while i was running errands at lunch?   I am praying that it is nothing, cause i have no idea how i am going to fix that when i can't even pay the electric bill that showed up today.   I can't even imagine telling him the light is on because i also need to not stress him out!  He has enough on his plate and when his blood pressure rises his headaches get worse, so best just keep it to myself and pray i figure it out.

I am out of vacation time at work, so last Thursday when I had to go to palliative care and meet with the social worker to hopefully get some help, they docked my pay.  Cause that is EXACTLY how someone who has worked for the same company for 18 years deserves to be treated when her significant other has brain cancer.  And we are talking 1 day over.  Not like i have been shirking work since July. (ok, i cry sometimes at my desk, but i still get my work done and take pride in that)

So, no dreams of the future, terrified that I am going to lose him, out of my mind that i am going to let something fall, that we will be sitting in the dark, eating dented cans of cat food cause we are on a path of financial ruin.  Hell, not on the path, I spend my days sprinting down the path towards total destitution.

His mama is older and helping as much as she can, but she doesn't drive and isn't rich and is taking Steven's illness worse than either of us.  The rest of his family is fringe, my family is difficult, my stepmother doesn't want me around because I talk about "unpleasant" matters.  Like cancer and enemas and getting docked a day of pay.  And i don't know how to reach out for help. So I decided to post a rant. Let it all off my chest.  

So thanks for listening to me rant. It helped.  I have to run now, gotta go Thanksgiving is 2 days away and i need to pick up a turkey.   :)  Cause this is going to be the best dang Thanksgiving ever!  Have a good day wherever you can.  <3

  • Hello RebecaC; welcome to the forum.  I read your post before I went to bed last  night (we are in UK time here) and have thought about you on waking this morning.  I knew there was nothing I could do to help you get through this but wanted you to know that your story was being read.  Your life's plans are in tatters and you don't know how you are going to cope - and once again this is a story of good people who found a loving relationship and planned to live your lives in the way you wanted  just have it all torn up and thrown in your face through no fault of your own.  From what you have written it does not appear that you are going to be able to get practical help from your families (your partner's poor mum is already suffering from the worst fate a mum can have happen to her - the prospect of losing a child) but I did wonder if there are any charities you can access for help.  Please do keep in touch (although of course you don't have to) and let us know how things are going and let out all your worst worries.   Annie

  • Thanks Annie,  I think just being able to put down in words all the things I am freaking out about helped.  I called my father last night and he was very shouty about me getting Steven's family to assist.  And I have tried, he has a 3 brothers and 3 nieces that were active in his life to at least some extent.   But when someone gets sick or is dying it is hard.  And many people choose not to be around it.   And sometimes even those that think they know the answer don't realize that they themselves are part of the problem. (example, my pops ranting that everyone else should help but not him.. lol) So I am better today.   The brakes are still working on the car and I have a nice long weekend to relax and enjoy time with Steven.  I even managed to get my turkey.  :)   thanks for reading my post.  It helps me feel that I am not alone and reading about other people going through the same thing calms me down.   Things could be worse. I need to recognize that there are good things and be thankful for them.   And I am going to try.    Have a good day Annie and thanks.

  • Hi RebecaC I’m so sorry to hear what you are going through, with no help available. My husband was also diagnosed with a Glioblastoma in April of this year. He felt unwell and went to a & e just to be checked out. They thought he had had a slight stroke and did a scan. One minute we were fine, in the blink of an eye our life changed forever. Just like yourself I was in shock and it’s taken me until now to actually get my head around it, even yet it seems unreal. His symptoms don’t seem as bad as your husbands at present, although they were unable to remove any of the tumours. By the time he went to hospital he had two tumours. He has had chemo, radiotherapy and clinical trials. He then moved onto a course of Chemo but that has stopped now as nothing has worked and he is in palliative care. I still can’t believe I will lose him, I feel your pain and understand what you are going through. I have been luckier than you with my work and family and I am so sorry you are struggling financially. Be kind to yourself, we are both trying to deal with the pain, keeping up appearances, looking after our husband and all the time screaming inside our heads ... I get upset with him at times and feel so guilty but it’s the stress and strain of carrying this burden ... and you also have this on your shoulders. Try to find an organisation that can offer some help, once you find one they can put you in touch with others and suddenly you have a network of help and support around you. I hope you can get this. We were told by the consultant no one knows how long anyone has when we asked. Yes it may be 14 months more or less ... but each person is different and that is just an average. we are trying to be positive it will be more. I’ve not been much help but please contact me if you just want to have a moan, cry or scream ... I feel every single one of these emotions every single day of my life ... your not alone remember that .. sending love to you at this difficult time ... Gwan63
  • Hello RebecaC and Gwan63.  I was about to say I was pleased you have been in touch although it is not really a good thing as it is because you are both suffering so much.  Have you persuaded anyone to give you some help RebecaC?  Your family (no, I am not holding my breath) or some voluntary organisation.  Are your employers being any more reasonable to you in your situation (they sounded as though they were taking their lead from those in charge of the country - but I need to be careful what I say).  Gwan63, am sorry your husband's tumours are inoperable but hope he has some good quality life still in front of him.  Annie 

  • I think I may have offended a gypsy and been seriously cursed. It has been a roller coaster.  So we last left with my brake light being on, and Thanksgiving on the way.  I picked up his mama on my way home (with the brake light on!)  we get home and Steve is on the roof playing with the satellite dish. Talk about freaking out.  Thank god he didn't get hurt, but he did disable the cable so we had no TV for thanksgiving.  That wasn't his intention.

    Stephen seems to be really confused now.  He starts projects then they fizzle out.  and every night I come home to a different undone project.  The ceiling light in the bathroom? gone.  Front door? All knobs and locks off.  He seems to be forgettting things much easier.   Especially where he puts things.  I spent 90 minutes searching for his phone charger.  Why did he move it I ask.  He doesn't know.  I ask him that a lot this week.  Why did you touch it?  it wasn't broken.  Why did you move my laptop?  (and then he spilled soda on it, then when I turned it on at work this morning it shorted out.   And of course work says they don't think the warranty will cover it Yessss...    glorious times- at least i stopped crying)

    He takes clothes out of the washer and puts them wet on the bed without them getting dried.  2x now this week.  He spills things on himself, the floor, the dog.   Tuesday night I came home and the dog was all wet with something i said what is this?  He didn't know.  I washed up his dishes, and went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet and was "WHAT IS ALL OVER THE TOILET!!???!!" i turn the light on and it seemed that a can of shaving cream exploded in the bathroom, floor, ceiling, toilet, everywhere.  (including the dog.. ugh)

    He slept through thanksgiving after taking the front door apart (still not back together) and then the day after Thanksgiving the brake line snapped on the car, 500 dollars and a drama filled day. But at least no one got hurt, so we can be thankful for that.

    Everyday is drama now.  And despite my frustration and irritation at these every day disasters part of me is very scared that maybe I won't have these disasters to look forward to.  And then I weep.  

    The social workers at the hospital sent him home with a bunch of paperwork for me to fill out so we can get some help.  100 dollar car voucher is a big one.  So far this month we have paid out 250 dollars in car rides. Money is very very tight.   So I am thankful for any help I can find. 

    And I realize that Stephen can't be home alone now without getting into trouble so i am picking up his mama on Monday night.  She isn't the best choice for the job, but at least she can dial 911 should an emergency happen.  She has agreed to stay for a week and then we'll see what happens next. 

    Thanks for the good thoughts and I just have to see Brain Cancer is an effing Trip!  Never a dull moment, never know what is going to happen.  Best just appreciate what you can of each day.  


    Thank you for the kind words.  They are appreciated. 

  • Hi Rebeca 

    Huge tears reading your post. It broke my heart into a million pieces when I read it :( 

    I don’t have much to offer...other than my thoughts (and prayers if you’re into them xx)

    Just you have access to any contractual/company sick pay? If you went off sick (let’s say, for personal stress (which would be understandable))....would you be entitled to any company sick pay (such as your full or part salary)? 

    Are you in the UK, Rebeca? xx edit: now I can see you’re not - lol sorry x 

  • Hi RebecaC 

    I have thought about you often over the past months and wondered how you were.  I hope you have had the strength to carry on and you found some help and kindness from organisations and family.  

    Justknow you have not been forgotten in your struggles


  • Thank you! 

    We are holding on.   We were doing pretty well 4 MRI's with no change then on the last one we had a change.  Which sucked. And I kinda fell apart. I knew there is a 4% survival rate for Glioblastoma, but so thought Steven would be in that 4%.  So when his tumor grew I had to rethink things- and I am still rethinking things.  

    But we are not done.  We are not giving up (although I have serious fears that Steven is going to say no more treatment) Treatment changed and he just started Avastin? and a different chemo medicine (lomustine) to see if that will keep the tumor in check.  He got his first infusion (yes, we have to go to the hospital every other week for treatment which super sucks) on Friday and right now he is wiped out .  I managed to get him out of the house for about an hour yesterday and that was it.  He has been in bed since.  I have to call the Dr when the office opens he has had some side effects from the infusion. His feet actually swelled up like sausages which is very odd. (they didn't list that in the possible side effects) And the absolute crushing fatigue.   But hopefully it eases up today.  

    And you know what?  I am getting used to the drama, I don't even really blink anymore.  Had to get new tires.  Get new tires on Saturday last week.  Batttery light comes on Sunday morning.  Sunday afternoon Car dies.   Jump car, try to get to the repair shop?  Car dies on side of road.   Had to get a tow.  They replace the alternator on the car ($800!) and take ALL day to do it which super sucked because he missed his follow up appt with the neurosurgen.  I get car back, drive 2 miles,   EVERY light in the car goes on.  Bring it back, they run the codes and now my sensors are all fried on the catalytic converter thing.   I was like screw it. I am not going to get upset about it.  And I didn't.  I am driving around with all the lights on.  I don't have the energy to deal with it because in the last 60 days we have had so much go sideways.

    Steven got bronchitis. (and gave me his wicked cold)  Steven was hospitalized for a kidney stone.  Steven broke his tooth and I finally managed to find a dentist who would treat him. We've had falls and skin issues, and a monster case of resistent thrush that just would not go away.  And then one of the companies that made the thrush medicine was shut down by the government and I had to drive all over the state to get whatever was left on the shelves.  Every day is an adventure.

    We have had some good stuff happen too.  We moved to the country (cause i thought ok, he is doing good, he takes his chemo at home, we only have to go to dr once every 2 months for scans) And i thought it would be peaceful and fresh air would be good for him and blah blah blah.  Now I have an Hour +  drive to get him to the hospital. And we moved the day he got out of the hospital for the kidney stone..  But it is nicer than the city.    I got him a used golf cart.  (somebody was selling one on the side of the road and I got it for a very good deal). Since he can't drive he feels like he has no control over anything.  So the golf cart would let him "drive" and he could putter around where we live.  So we get the golf cart like last month.  He drives it around a couple times then takes it apart and hasn't been able to use it in at least 3 weeks.  (I SOOO should have seen that coming).  Money has been tight as you know, so I finally broke down and started a go fund me page.  (but I totally must have done it wrong because it only made $175.  Which helped pay for his medicines for the month so I am grateful for that)   But its all OK.   It might sound like I'm complaining, but I'm really not.   I am ok with all the things that make the day interesting.    It's like that song 100 bad days = 100 bad stories, 100 bad stories makes me interesting at parties... LOL.  

    Anyway, we should be pretty good for the next 4 months.  The Avastin is suppossed to kill off the cancer cells by starving the tubes they use to get blood. and usually the 2 month scan after starting this is wicked good- according to the dr that is. The 4 months scan is where you actually find out if it is really working.  I guess the first scan is like when you start a diet?  you always loose water weight first?  Month 2 is the real thing.

    Otherwise we are just doing our "new normal" of forgetting where we put things, taking things apart that weren't broken- this weekend it was the blender that I just bought (luckily it wasnt expensive), - and actually, oddly, he has started having trouble telling time.  Like he'll look at a clock and not understand what time it is.  It bothers me a bit actually, more than other things cause I don't understand why a radom thing like the clock on the microwave is such a challenge.  I'll ask him what time it is and he'll just stare at the clock and when i press him he gets it wrong as often as he gets it right.  very very odd.

    Oh!  and Shockingly my job for the first time in 80+ years is offering summer hours!!  we can work 7-5 Mon-Thurs and then take a half day off on Friday!  How awesome is that!

    Thanks for thinking about us.  I don't know what comes next, I would be happy to stay just like we are for the next 40 years but I don't think it is in the cards.

    I hope you have a good week!

    Kind regards,



  • And you know what else i suffer from?  Obliviato disease...  the disease of being oblivious to everyone and everything around me.   My apologies!!!  How is your Husband Gwan63???  I really hope that you guys are OK.   Last we left he was in palliative care.  He was diagnosed in  April of 18 right?   Steven was August of 18. I really do hope things are ok with you too!


  • Hi RebecaC 

    im sorry I’ve not been on for a while.  We are both still surviving, because that’s what it is, not living.  He has been in bed since April/May unable to get up and about, is still eating and drinking.  He went into the hospice for just over two weeks in July, that was such a relief to be able to sit with him and become his wife again for a while, with no responsibilities.  The pressure was off and we both relaxed. He wasn’t expected to live beyond January/February and has had no treatment since then, so he has everyone confused as to how he is still with us.  His spirit is strong.  I am finding it very hard now because I have prepared for his death a number of times and each time he has come back to me. (I meant to say my husband is a diabetic and takes metformin, a diabetic tablet.  I am sure this has helped him survive so long, only my opinion but check Metformin and Cancer out on the internet)

    My husband gets angry some days I won’t let him get up and dressed, he wants me to lift him out of bed and take him a walk, but doesn’t get it.  We are currently planning for a Baltic cruise or a holiday in Italy ... I have to make all the arrangements and tell him how it’s going, for this holiday we will never have, but it keeps him happy, it’s heart breaking.

    My emotions are all over the place and I cry so often in the shower I don’t know how to be happy anymore, but I feel so selfish because I am talking about me ... but me is hurting so much and I don’t know how to deal with it.  I’m sure you understand that as you are going through the same.  I am lost as I’m sure you are ... but we are survivors... we need to be to help them have a peaceful end. 

     Anne x