Gland problems


I have been having issues for about 2-3 years now, it started with swollen and hard left lower belly on and off which i was told was ibs as they couldnt find anything. In this time i gave up vape as i thought this was the issue, but this didnt help. When this would happen i would feel tied and rundown and my neck glands would swell.

Over the year things have got worst i have had pleurisy and neck swelling of both the gland under my adams apple and neck like some one has grab me round the throat and almost all the time. I as have a dry throat with the and still feeling rundown. 

They are still treating what they asume is another chest infection which is not clearing up with the 3rd course of anti biotics.

I get pains in the top of my should, up the neck, across the chest to the armpit, swelling of the glad in the troat and on and off swelling lower left tummy.

I starting to feel that im imagining all or causing it by stressing out about it, but it happens when im not stressed at all.

Any thoughts or if any has had a simular experience would be greatly appreciated. 


  • Hi Davacon and welcome to the forum.

    I'm sorry to read what's going on. It sounds like you've got a lot to contend with and it's completely understandable why you would be stressed by all this.

    Hopefully some of our members who have had a similar experience or symptoms will share their experiences with you soon but in the meantime if you're unhappy with the lack of answers then you could try seeing another doctor for a second opinion.

    I hope you're able to find out what's causing this soon Davacon.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator