Girlfriend had lumpectomy

my girlfriend just had a phyllodes tumour removed and im looking for advice on how to support her. I’ve tried so many sites for help but there is limited advice. Any help would be hugely appreciated 

  • Hello VAdams.  Welcome to the forum.  I don't know if you have already looked at the CRUK's information about support for people affected by breast cancer.  I attach a link in case you have not seen it. There are so many organisations listed it will make your head spin!  But only some of them specifically state that they can help anyone who has been affected by cancer.  Breast Cancer Care states that is offer support to partners of breast cancer patients so you might like to try that if you have not done so.  Take a look at the others also.  If you have already tried this route then I hope that others on this forum might be able to suggest other sources of support.  Best wishes.  Annie