GBM stage4

Unfortunately I am posting because my mom has a GBM. She was diagnosed back in Oct of 2014. She was only 70 at time when we started to notice changes in her. This was definitely heartbreaking news for our family. She had the surgery which we were told 90% was removed followed by 6weeks of radiation and low dose temodar. Once that was completely she only made it one week with high dose of chemo and had to stop. She ended up in rehab for 6 weeks to gain strength back and was good for quite a while with no reoccurrence until until Feb 2015. Considering the type of cancer she has done remarkable well only treating with cyber knife radiation, and staying on Keppra for seizures .This has been rough to watch her slowly lose her independence and her decline this past month. Experienceing short term memory loss, left side weakness has gotten worse, confusion, also wetting her pants MOre often. We had to move her into assisted living where she can be watched more closely .Having so many cyber knife radiation treatments I think have taken a toll on her and seems her health is getting worse Week by week. Doctors are basically telling us that’s quality of life will be less and less if we keep doing treatments. I understand and at the same time I am afraid to lose her. She has an MRI coming up and I am afraid to know the results knowing no more treatments may be done for her. I don’t really know what to expect going forward and how long we have If we just make her QOL as good as we can. Any information or advise would be greatly appreciated. My mom has been my rock and I love her so much. I pray for a cure for all cancers! 

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat, Julwhip.

    I'm sorry to hear that your mom was diagnosed with GBM and that her prognosis is rather poor, it sounds like this is an incredibly challenging time for all of you.

    Hopefully, some of our members who can relate to what you are going through at the moment will stop by shortly to offer their support and advice, as talking to others who understand our situation can help.

    Also, feel free to search for stories like your mum's on the forum and don't hesitate to join the discussions already going on, everyone here is very friendly and I'm sure they'd be happy to chat with you.

    Best wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator